Crop Diversification: A profitable option to boost farmer’s income

Mr. Lalhmathuoi Hmar’s story is a powerful example of how innovative farming practices can transform lives. Once struggling to make ends meet with single-crop cultivation, Mr. Hmar from Lobonkhal village in Cachar District, Assam, has now embraced a diversified multi-cropping system that has significantly boosted his income and improved his family’s quality of life.

The turning point came when Mr. Hmar participated in the FARM Northeast project, supported by Misereor and facilitated by Seva Kendra Silchar. This project is part of Caritas India’s broader initiative to promote climate-resilient agricultural practices. The training programs offered through FARM Northeast introduced Mr. Hmar and other local farmers to the benefits of multi-cropping systems.

Multi-cropping involves growing different crops in the same area, which maximises land use and reduces the risk of total crop failure. For Mr. Hmar, this meant incorporating broom grass alongside his traditional pineapple cultivation. This diversification was crucial in stabilizing his income, as it provided multiple revenue streams and made his farm more resilient to market and climate fluctuations.

Although broom grass was already present in the village, Mr. Hmar had never considered its commercial potential. Post-training, he began cultivating broom grass extensively. This decision proved to be highly lucrative, with profits ranging from Rs. 70,000 to 1,00,000 annually. The additional income from broom grass’s socio-economic impact for him to provide better education for his children and improve his family’s overall living standards.

Ms. Tracy Lamont, Field Programme Associate at Seva Kendra Silchar, praised Mr. Hmar’s transformation saying, “Mr. Lalhmathuoi Hmar’s journey is a testament to the effectiveness of the FARM Northeast project’s training initiatives. His success story is not just about financial gain but also about empowerment and community upliftment. He has become a beacon of hope and an example for other farmers in the region. The adoption of multi-cropping has not only increased his income but also brought stability and resilience to his farming practices. His willingness to learn and adapt has inspired many others in the village to follow suit, leading to a more sustainable and prosperous community.”

Inspired by Mr. Hmar’s success, many other farmers in the region have adopted similar multi-cropping techniques. This knowledge transfer has had a ripple effect, fostering a community-wide shift towards more resilient and profitable farming practices. The collective adoption of these methods is helping to build a more sustainable agricultural economy in Northeast India.

The significant impact of the FARM Northeast project would not have been possible without the support of Misereor. As a key funder, Misereor’s commitment to sustainable development and community empowerment has enabled Caritas India to implement and scale projects that bring tangible benefits to local communities. This partnership highlights the critical role of funding in driving impactful change and supporting innovative solutions to climate and economic challenges.

Mr. Lalhmathuoi Hmar’s journey from struggle to success underscores the transformative power of knowledge and innovation in agriculture. Through the support of Caritas India’s FARM NORTHEAST project and the backing of Misereor, Mr. Hmar has not only improved his own life but also inspired a wave of positive change within his community. His story is a shining example of how sustainable farming practices can lead to financial stability, community resilience, and overall upliftment.

By embracing multi-cropping and other climate-resilient practices, farmers like Mr. Hmar are building a brighter, more secure future for themselves and their communities. This success story serves as a call to action for donors, governments, and CSR partners to continue supporting initiatives that empower farmers and promote sustainable agriculture.