Development Dynamics Course for social work professionals inaugurated by Archbishop of Madras

The Development Dynamics Course (DDC) – a flagship training program of Caritas India for the development practitioners and social workers was inaugurated by Most Rev. (Dr) George Anthonysamy, Archbishop of Madras on Monday, 8th November 2021 at DMI International Centre, Chennai. 

The day started with seeking God’s blessing through the solemn Eucharistic Celebration led by His Grace, Most Rev. (Dr) George Anthonysamy, Archbishop of Madras as the Main celebrant and Fr. (Dr) Jolly Puthenpura, Assistant Executive Director of Caritas India and Fr. Patrick, Secretary to His Grace as Concelebrant. His Grace, during his homily, invited all the participants to be Christ’s light to those in darkness and to the world reflecting that light as the moon reflects the sun’s light. He said the need is to reach out to especially the marginalized and vulnerable sections of the society with humility and simplicity.  

Archbishop George Anthonysamy in his inaugural speech stressed the difference between development and progress. He succinctly defined development as changes experienced both linearly and vertically. Development should transcend itself. Development is not imitative modernization; development intervention should be contextual. It should be in Sitz-im-Leben (Setting in life): culturally and locally contextualized. It is not only giving and receiving but giving a spiritual dimension. He emphasized on value-based development approach and tapping the local indigenous knowledge and wisdom based on local context, work and support for people restoring dignity.

Fr. Jolly Puthenpura, Assistant Executive Director of Caritas India gave a bird’s eye view of DDC highlighting the major components of course. He dwelt on the spiritual foundation of the course. He encouraged all the participants to take advantage of the training as it is like a capsule of social work studies. He stated that you will be journeying through various modules which will give knowledge and skills of various social work dimensions and how to use them. 

Fr. Jolly also took the session on Catholic Social Teaching (CST) which is the spiritual foundation of Caritas India does and for the DDC course as well. He began by explaining why we do, what we do?

He said that social work is an expression of our faith in action. Catholic Social Teaching emerged from the contexts of the Industrial revolution. Church responds it seriously. CST is inclusive and secular: shares joys and sorrows of the world. In his sessions, he elaborately dwelt on the four Fundamental Pillars and 7 auxiliary principles of CST.

Every year, the training program is conducted by Caritas India to develop analytical and technical skills of the Diocesan Directors of Social Works, Personnel of Religious Congregations engaged in Social Work, and the staff engaged in the social development organisations. The training will equip all 36 participants on micro and macro analysis, development approaches, strategies of community mobilization, social transformation, and different thematic areas by providing hands-on practical field experience.

Participants expressed their happiness and gratitude for bringing this spiritual dimension starting with the Holy Eucharist with very meaningful reflection and homily for the Development Dynamics Course, 2021 in DMI Centre with 24 Directors and Assistant Directors, 1 Deacon, 9 sisters and two lay people.