Empowering communities: Citizen forum Dialogues to combat drug abuse

A commendable initiative has been taken by the Citizen Forum under the Samvaad peace-building program at Najibabad where Karuna Social Service Society (KSSS), a Caritas India Samvaad partner addresses the issue of drug addiction among the youth to foster a peaceful and harmonious society. By adopting a multi-faceted approach, the Citizen Forum demonstrated a comprehensive strategy to tackle the problem effectively. It is seen that prevention measures, such as education and awareness campaigns, can help in spreading information about the risks and consequences of drug addiction and these efforts can be targeted towards schools, colleges, and community centres to reach the youth at an early stage.

The primary objective of the Citizen Forum is to create a safer and more harmonious environment for the entire community, through peace dialogues and with a specific focus on addressing urgent issues. To achieve this, the forum invited active participation from various stakeholders, including academic institutions, administrative bodies, healthcare professionals, media representatives, religious and political leaders, NGOs, and senior citizens.

During the meeting, the forum members acknowledged the alarming rise in drug addiction among the youth and its detrimental impact on their health, well-being, and societal harmony as youth is the crucial group for developing countries. To combat this issue, the Citizen Forum plans to adopt a multi-faceted approach, which includes preventive measures, awareness campaigns, rehabilitation programs, and collaboration with relevant authorities and organizations.

In a positive development, one of the forum members took the initiative to broadcast the crucial messages discussed during the meeting through FM 90.0 on the radio. This step aims to raise awareness and foster a harmonious environment within the community, reaching a broad audience and inspiring positive transformations.
Furthermore, as part of ongoing activities, a meditation session was organized by KSSS to promote well-being and inner peace among the participants. This session provided them with an opportunity to engage in mindfulness practices, enhancing their mental and emotional well-being.

The formation of the Citizen Forum marks a significant milestone in addressing the serious issue of drug addiction in the community. By bringing together stakeholders from different fields, the forum endeavours to implement comprehensive strategies, preventive measures, and rehabilitation programs. Through collective efforts and collaboration, the forum aims to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals affected by drug addiction and build a brighter future for our peaceful community.
The Samvaad peace-building initiative, through the formation of the Citizen Forum, reaffirms its commitment to creating awareness, fostering positive change, and cultivating a harmonious atmosphere for all members of the community. The proactive steps taken by dedicated individuals reflect their determination to make a tangible impact in addressing the prevailing challenges. Together, these initiatives aim to create a society that is aware, compassionate, and united in the pursuit of peace and harmony.

Through this effort of the Citizen Forum, it is very clear that the active participation of various stakeholders is a significant strength of the Citizen Forum’s approach which Involves the academic institutions who can ensure that preventive measures and awareness campaigns reach the youth effectively. Collaboration with administrative bodies can also facilitate the allocation of resources and implementation of policies to address drug addiction. Healthcare professionals can also contribute their expertise in designing rehabilitation programs and providing necessary treatment services. Besides this media representatives also play a vital role in raising awareness through public service announcements, articles, and documentaries. Religious and political leaders can use their influence to promote a drug-free lifestyle and support the initiatives of the forum. Likeminded NGOs can contribute their experience and resources, while senior citizens can provide guidance and mentorship to the youth.

The forum meeting witnessed the presence of esteemed individuals from diverse backgrounds, who shared their expertise, suggestions, and recommendations to effectively combat drug addiction. Notable attendees included Mr. Engineer Maujjam Khan, the newly elected Chairman of the city, Dr. Rakhi Aggarwal, Dr. Harinder Singh, Mr. Alok Tyagi, Brahmakumari Shalu, Maulana Irfan, Maulana Raees, Fr. Benny, Fr. Shibu, Mr. Ganesh Singh, Dr. Bano, Santosh Arya, Mr. Charanjeet Singh, Mr. Rajpal Chauhan, Sufiya Ansari, Sr. Sheeja, Fr. Jomon, Ashraf, Sonu, Chaman, representatives from Vivek College, Krishna College, Holy Family Convent School, and St. Mary’s Najibabad. Their valuable contributions and support added significant value to the program.

By bringing together these diverse stakeholders, the Citizen Forum tried to create a unified front against all kinds of menace and social evils to create a safer and more harmonious society. It is through such collaborative efforts and community-driven initiatives, real progress can be made in addressing pressing issues and fostering positive change. Samvaad not only promulgates the message of peace with different stakeholders to plug peace and accord in the society but also to dialogue on the issues which culminate in the social development of the country.