Caritas India’s Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) programme has made significant strides to engage thousands of children with disabilities and enable them to realize their dreams. It has done so by ensuring for them, access to education despite their impairments and innumerable societal barriers. Throughout the tenure of the programme, 9,444 boys and 7,902 girls were identified in the age group of 0-18 years, who fall under the education group. Out of these children, 11,321 children and young adults with disabilities were covered under home-based and inclusive education modes, facilitating their functional and formal education.

Different provisions including the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016, the National Education Policy and the new Disability Policy proposed by the government strongly advocate for the right to education for children with disabilities. However, India still lies behind in reaching its goal of “Universal Education” or “Education for all” given the slow phase of enrolment, teacher training, lack of inclusive curriculum, barrier-free environment and other facilities/support required to facilitate education. The negative attitudes that still exist in society continue to be a major barrier in terms of facilitating the inclusion of children with disabilities. The Sustainable Developmental Goal #4 of quality education cannot be realised without ensuring quality education to all children with and without disabilities.

Caritas India’s CBR programme works to reduce the disparity in access to education and elevate the dignity of persons with disabilities. Some of its activities under the education domain include:
• Identification, preparation, disability assessment and certification, enrolment and follow-ups.
• Inclusive, home-based and special school education.
• Facilitate the support of educational volunteers.
• Teachers, parents, and other stakeholders’ sensitization
• Formation and facilitation of children support groups.
• Scholarship, books, and uniforms
It also makes critical efforts in facilitating volunteerism for promoting education and social inclusion since children with disabilities need additional support besides the support extended by the schoolteachers. Through CBR programme 687 educational volunteers are identified, and their support is provided to these children. Similarly, 3400 children from 411 children support groups are formed facilitating peers as volunteers. 255 Mothers/carers in the neighbourhood are identified, sensitized, and motivated to assist families having children with high support needs.
A few cases of success:
Harshita (name changed) is a child born without her right leg. She acquired this disability by birth. She was identified through CI CBR programme from Bongaigaon district of Assam. As she was unable to access education in her remote village, she was admitted in the inclusive school run by Fransiscan Clarist Society. She was facilitated to get an artificial limb and fitted according to her need resulting in independent mobility, enhanced socialization, and self-confidence. Today, she not only excels in her academics studying in Class IV but also equally shines well in co-curricular and extracurricular activities organised in the school.
Govind (name changed), a native of Gorakhpur district in U.P is eight years old having 80% Cerebral Palsy. He was supported to perform his daily living activities including functional mobility and communication. He was assisted by the CBR team through home-based education support using various teaching learning materials. Today, he has picked up reading and writing skills including the ability to do simple arithmetic. He is enrolled in a local school, and he likes going to school everyday and socializing with his peers.