Facilitating the work of the Organizations of Persons with Disabilities through a people-led process

On the 20th of September 2023, Caritas India Community Based Rehabilitation (CI CBR) organized a workshop at KROSS, Bengaluru, with a singular focus: to foster and empower Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) through a people-led process. The event brought together nineteen dedicated OPD members, representing four district-level and one state-level OPDs. The presence of Fr. (Dr.) Paul Moonjely, Executive Director of Caritas India, added weight to the proceedings as he led the discussions.

Fr. Paul Moonjely commenced the workshop by commending the remarkable individuals present from different states, highlighting their resilience in the face of life’s challenges. He emphasized that while individual efforts are limited, collective action can achieve substantial change. The act of coming together signifies the first step toward a larger movement. He expressed his delight in witnessing the commendable efforts of each OPD and voiced his hopes for continued progress. Fr. Paul underscored the collective aspiration to grow together, nurturing dreams of fulfilling shared goals. He called upon the OPDs and CI CBR to collaboratively establish a five-year plan encompassing essential aspects such as needs assessment, structural development, operational functions, leadership cultivation, expansion, networking, alliance formation, skill development, engagement with government schemes, governance, resource generation, documentation, and community sensitization initiatives. He suggested developing measurable indicators to gauge progress effectively.
In all endeavors, the focus must remain on “PEOPLE” at the center. Fr. Paul explained that Caritas India, as a national-level organization, has a defined strategy for realizing its objectives. He then drew connections between the work of OPDs and Caritas India’s Key Strategic Pillars (KSPs).

Mr. K. N. Sudeednra Kumar, Programme Associate (OPDs), facilitated a session where the key leaders from each of the five OPDs shared the current status of their respective organizations, including notable achievements, encountered challenges, and future aspirations.

Mr. K Kempaiah, Impact Lead – CBR, presented a concept note outlining the proposed movement mode of operation. He emphasized CI CBR’s belief in promoting a people-led process and how this proposed approach aligns with this vision. The movement mode envisages a people-driven, people-led, and community-owned process, aimed at addressing major challenges adversely affecting people’s lives.

Mr. B N Kabui and Mr. Sudeendra Kumar guided the group in further deliberations to chart the way forward. Most OPDs expressed readiness to embrace this direction and sought more detailed insights into how this strategy would be implemented. Subsequent extensive consultations with the governing body members of the selected OPDs will lead to the formulation of action plans. A non-financial memorandum of understanding between Caritas India and the respective OPDs, outlining clear terms and conditions, will be established. A midterm evaluation of OPD functioning in this new mode will facilitate learning from experiences, incorporating these insights into future plans.

Mr. Kempaiah conducted a presentation covering OPD structure and effective operation, leadership development, networking and alliance formation, strategies for dialogue promotion, resource mobilization, and OPD sustainability.

In his closing remarks, Mr. B N Kabui urged OPD members to explore innovative approaches and expressed his hope that the proposed mode of operation would further fortify the ongoing efforts of persons with disabilities and their respective organizations. The workshop was a pivotal moment in the journey toward empowering OPDs through a people-led approach, promising a brighter future for all involved.