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“I knew that this was going to be very tough for me but I was all determined to do so happily for my children what I needed was only some financial support and I was ready to apply my whole strengthen,” recalls Jaimat Bai, (55), a widow from the Devargaon village in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh.
She lost her husband five years back while he was fixing electricity from the electricity pool to supply the electricity in his small hut. He was electrocuted which left him paralyzed and finally died after 6 months of treatment.
“The day my husband died was the scariest day in my life, I had a very disturbing night thinking about the future of my children and their survival because the sole bread earner had gone so far from us and left us without any support,” says Jaimat Bai.
Since then the responsibility of taking care of her three daughters (one married when father was alive) and one son rested on her. Moreover, she owns very small landholding and does not produce enough for her subsistence.
She started going for daily labour work to others’ field and some construction site which earned her some amount to fill the stomach of her children. Moreover, when three years back Caritas India started Gram Nirman program in her village, she joined the women SHGs for saving. Soon, she became an active and regular member of the group. Gram Nirman programme was designed to support the Tribal communities to achieve socio-economic wellbeing, through socially and politically dynamic participation in decision making bodies (Gram Sabha) and being sensitized to the needs of the most vulnerable communities.
Jaimat Bai attended different meetings and trainings regularly organised by the Gram Nirman team which improved her knowledge and understanding. This knowledge she applied in her daily life for enhancing her economical condition. With the credit support from the SHG, she could meet the expenses of her daughter’s wedding.
“Through the support of village SHG and guidance from Gram Nirman program, a widow and only sole bread earner in the family could dare to achieve a lot more for my family,” says Jaimat Bai with confidence.
Moreover, last year under the Gram Nriman program, Jaimat bai’s name was proposed by Gram Sabha for Income generating program (IGP) support looking at her determination and economical status. She expressed her desire to open a petty shop. Hence before Gram Sabha, she was given 5000/ as IGP support by Caritas India. She was also linked to wholesale vendors from where she purchased items for the shop. She was even given training in money exchange and marketing.
“This support from Caritas India was a motivation for me. After receiving financial support, I started working hard and today I have settled so well that every day I can earn 400 to 500 hundred and feed my children and fulfil my other needs,” expresses Jaimat Bai.
Despite a lot of ups and downs in her life, Jaimat Bai has found strengthen and become self-reliant. Today she earns a respect and status from the village people and is always ready to guide and help others in the community. She is an example of empowerment and self-reliance for other marginalised people in the village which inspires other widow and PLWDs not to give up in life.
Gram Nirman has been instrumental in creating a lasting impact in thousands of tribal families who were facing alienation and marginalization in the community. The programme has enhanced their collective actions towards enabling them for better bargaining power with the local governance system.
Copyright Caritas India 2013 ! Developed by Neural Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd.