Hands of Youth to Care the Cancer patients

Youth are between childhood and adulthood filled with energy and freshness. They are one of the greatest assets of a nation or country if channelised correctly can become future leaders. Young men and women who use their potential values, talents, and vital resources worth investment by a country to foster the development of a nation and act as a centre of reconstruction. Bringing good and positive changes in society is the life goal of every ideal youth, that is the reason Youth has been termed the notable change agent and drivers of societal transformation. When it is brought about in an organized manner, more changes are ensured, and more people incorporate the changes in their lives and inspire others to do the same.

Caritas India considers youth as the catalyst in society and prepares them for a better purpose. If the youth are conscientious, they will definitely aid to generate a better tomorrow. The youth in Little Flower Institute of Social Sciences & Health (LISSAH) College are joining hands with Caritas India to prove a spark for such changes. The Social Work Department of LISSAH College is embarking on a one-year action plan by taking Ashakiranam, a campaign against Cancer by Caritas India as their social committed initiation for building cancer-resilient villages. As Wayanad and Calicut districts are reported as the notable areas in terms of Cancer incidences in Kerala, the Youth in the LISSAH are collectively working for this genuine cause. Since Ashakiranam is a great model for Volunteerism and Cancer care, the students are unanimously ready to help cancer patients in the best possible way and become the storm of great change in cancer prevention with Ashakiranam. 

The College level Ashakiranam Launch programme was organized at LISSAH College, Calicut under the direction of the Social Work Department on 16th December 2022 to start up the campaign activities. The program started with an awareness Mime on the theme “Together Let’s Defeat Cancer”. Other students at the college watched carefully and conceived good messages from the Mime. 

The Ashakiranam launch event was officially started with a prayer song by the Ashakiranam Volunteer team at the college which was followed by a welcome address by Ms. Fathimath Noora, Asst. Professor, Social Work Department. Mr. Shiju Elias, Asst. Professor, Social Work Department delivered the introductory remarks and set the context of the programme. Mr. Shiju Elias shared that the “Ashakiranam Campaign is a good programme which gives a lot of hope and faith to poor cancer patients and their families. It gives us opportunities to make us socially productive by engaging in as many as positive activities. There is a huge possibility of becoming good social workers with Ashakiranam”. 

“Ashakiranam is a model initiative implemented in Kerala by Caritas India, the second largest humanitarian organization in the world. While LISSAH College joins hands with this campaign which has been implemented across Kerala, we should be able to give great hope to cancer patients in these areas for which this campaign should be given high priority in the extracurricular activities of the students” mentioned by Rev. Fr. Biju Thalachira during his presidential address.

Mr. Abeesh Antony, State Programme Associate, Kerala interacted with the College students and explained the gradual growth of the Ashakiranam campaign in the last 8 years. He also emphasized the role of College/School student Volunteers and Youth Volunteers in the campaign and the wonders that happened with the support of these Volunteers. “It is not easy to describe the contribution made by the volunteers in the journey of Ashakiranam to date. Today, Caritas is delighted to be able to associate with a group of young people who are capable of making big changes” said Mr. Abeesh Antony. 

The Ashakiranm College level launch programme was officially inaugurated by Fr. Jaison Karakunnel, Associate Director, COD, Thamarassery. “Ashakiranam Campaign is a face of the mercy of the Catholic Church. It has caused the popularity of the Diocese activities in the Calicut district and there are a lot of schools and educational institutions collaborating with us to bring about changes in the life of people with a good number of cancer care activities. It also extends the opportunities ahead of you to make changes and scatter hope” said Fr. Jaison Karakunnel in his inaugural speech.

“Volunteering is one of the core areas of ​​Ashakiranam. Today you are joining the collective action of thousands of volunteers in Kerala” said Rev. Fr. Sherin Puthenpura, Asst. Ex. Director, COD, Thamarassery while inaugurating the volunteer registration by submitting online registration of the 1st Volunteer from LISSAH college in the Caritas India Volunteer portal. He emphasised the values of being a Caritas volunteer, especially in the social work scenario and their future life. He wished the volunteers stating that “May this Ashakiranam campaign enables you to utilize your various talents, time, treasure and skills more effectively for the greater good”.

The signature campaign where all the students and distinguished guests showed their solidarity with the Ashakiranam activities by putting their signatures. The Signature campaign was inaugurated by Dr. Vincy Abraham, HOD, Social Work Department. “The Social Work Department of Lissa College is very happy to collaborate with Caritas India’s Ashakiranam Campaign. This signature collection campaign is a symbolic act by the college students and their teachers to express our solidarity towards this genuine cause. This is also inviting us to lead a cancer-free life and be an example to others” said Dr. Vincy Abraham after inaugurating the signature campaign.

Dr. Benny Joseph, Principal of LISSAH College released the Annual Ashakiranam Action Plan for Volunteers. “The students prepared this action plan after careful studies, which shows their sincerity to go down to the right actions without being limited to words. These activities will transform them into genuine humans” said Dr. Benny Joseph while releasing the action plan. A cancer awareness pledge was taken by the students lifting their right hands during the programme. The programme was officially concluded by a vote of thanks by Ms. Vismaya, an MSW student at LISSAH college. After the formal inauguration programme, an awareness session on Cancer was organized by the Social Work Department for the college students. Mr. Ebin P. Benny led the session, which included the cancer scenario in Kerala, types of cancer, preventive measures and the role of social workers in the cancer-preventive community-based approaches.