Harmony Against Harm: The Musical Drama Initiative to unite youth against drug abuse

In the picturesque region of Alleppey in Kerala, a group of 15 young and passionate individuals decided to channel their energy towards creating a positive impact on their society. These remarkable young minds frequently gathered to brainstorm ways to serve their community.

However, their collective conscience couldn’t ignore the pressing issue of drug abuse and addiction that was afflicting their beloved Kerala, especially the younger generation. Recognizing the severity of the situation, they embarked on a novel initiative as part of the Sajeevam Anti-drug Campaign by Caritas India. With creative zeal, they concluded that art could be the most compelling medium to raise awareness about this dire concern. The young team embarked on crafting an art form that combined the power of music, acting, and dance, which they aptly named the “Musical Drama.” These altruistic youngsters were also actively involved in the Ashakiranam Campaign of the diocese, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to making a difference.

The Musical Drama, a 10–15-minute performance vividly portrays the devastating consequences of drug abuse on individuals, families, and society at large. What set this initiative apart was the team’s dedication to incorporating recent incidents related to drug abuse into their art form, making it incredibly relevant and hard-hitting. Initially, they staged these performances in schools during lunch breaks and at community gatherings, capturing the attention of students and the public alike. “Being part of the Musical Drama team has been an incredible journey. The best impact of our program is the smiles we see, the hearts we touch, and the positive change we inspire. Seeing the audience’s eyes light up with understanding and hope is priceless. It is a privilege to be part of an initiative that spreads awareness and happiness simultaneously. We have not only performed on stage but also on the stage of people’s lives, and that brings us immense joy,” said Ms. Josmol, one of the Musical Drama Team Members.

As their journey continued, the young team shifted their focus towards catechism students in the parishes of the Alleppey diocese. In collaboration with Fr. Samson Anjiliparambil, the Executive Director of the ADS, Alleppey, the official social work department of the Alleppey diocese, they embarked on visits to Sunday schools. During these visits, Fr. Samson presided over the Holy Mass and delivered a poignant message about drug abuse, addiction, and the details of the Sajeevam Campaign. Following the Mass, the young team took the stage to perform the Musical Drama for the catechism students, whose receptive minds absorbed the gravity of the issue with unwavering attention. Fr. Samson says, “The Musical Drama program team has exemplified the true essence of teamwork in spreading vital messages on drug issues. Their collective spirit and synchronized efforts have become a catalyst for positive change within our communities. These young individuals have shown that when driven by a common purpose, they can inspire awareness and transformation that transcends boundaries. Their dedication and unity are a testament to the potential for youth to bring about meaningful change in society.”

The impact was undeniable, prompting the Catechism department and parish trustees to request that the Musical Drama be presented to the broader parish community during Sunday Mass. Responding to this demand, the team extended their reach to perform for Sunday catechism students and parishioners, all of whom were deeply moved and appreciative of the powerful message conveyed through art. “The Musical Drama has left a lasting impression on our catechism students, fostering awareness and empowering them to make informed choices. Its impact has been so profound that the demand for this performance has surged among our parishioners, young and old alike. It’s clear that the message it conveys is not just relevant but essential for our entire parish community, transcending generations for a brighter, drug-free future” said by Mr. Jose one of the Catechism teachers of the Diocese.

As a result, the team managed to cover eight schools and ten parishes, effectively spreading awareness about drug abuse and addiction among catechism students and parish communities. The Musical Drama program, born from the collective determination and creativity of these young individuals, has emerged as a potent tool in the battle against drug abuse. Their tireless efforts have not only inspired and educated countless young minds but have also garnered widespread appreciation from the community. With their continued dedication and a growing demand for their performances, the team is well on its way to making a substantial and lasting impact in addressing the drug crisis within Kerala.