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People of Kanyakumari were urged to renew the confidence in the possibility of achieving good health through behavioral change.
Through health awareness campaign, Kottar Social Service Society (KSSS) aims to create a supportive environment for behavioral change towards good health.
Exposure to carcinogenic radiation coupled with the use of tobacco and alcohol has caused the increased incidence of cancer in Kanyakumari district. Lifestyle-related diseases like heart disease, obesity, diabetes, premature mortality, diseases associated with smoking and alcohol and drug abuse are on the increase.
‘Health and Well-being’ is a long-term intervention of Caritas India for the promotion of holistic development of the vulnerable population. Kottar Social Service Society (KSSS) has taken up this lead and responsibility to share this intervention among all its stakeholders through the well drafted 2025 health agenda of the Diocese.
On March 13, 2018, the health and wellbeing mass awareness campaign was formally inaugurated by the Bishop of Kottar, Most.Rev.Nazarene Soosai who said that there is renewed confidence in the possibility of achieving the health agenda through behavior change. Behaviourally based interventions can be significantly more cost-effective than health service delivery and they contribute to healthy communities.
He insisted that the richness of the district’s unique tradition and food consumption pattern should be brought back by the concerted efforts of the conscientised communities.” He advised to focus on preventive health measures.
“Media can be an effective tool in health promotion in the given circumstances and conditions”, suggested Dr. John Arokiaraj, Caritas South Zone Manager while giving the inaugural address. He said campaigns are held to bring in changes in levels of knowledge and awareness on ‘sensible eating’. When we respect our traditions, we value our food practices.
He insisted to develop interpersonal relationships and use social media for propagating healthy life. The idea of health campaign is to strengthen the community ownership and participation to improve community monitoring and bring in Governance reforms in the health system.
“Have an eye on Public Expenditure Review and Tracking System at least at the Panchayat level” he suggested the gathering.
KSSS Director, Dr. Mariasoosai, said mass awareness campaigns offer the widest possible exposure in reaching out to large numbers of people within a short timeframe. Bringing together partnerships of public, voluntary, private sector bodies and professional organisations, informing and educating the public and encouraging and creating a supportive environment within which people are more able to change their behavior are the main focus of this health campaign. He elaborated that one has to EARN (sufficient Exercise, right Attitude, required Rest, balanced Nutrition)healthy life.
The campaign was formally flagged off jointly by Bishop Nazarene and Dr.John Arokiaraj. “Let us begin the journey toward building a health movement” they cheered. 10 members team from Nanjil Natham , the Diocesan Social Communication Wing enacted street play and other cultural awareness programmes on health in 13 coastal villages namely, Ramanthurai, Enayam, Enayamputhenthurai,, Mel Midalam, Keel Midalam, Alanchi, vaniayakkudi, Kurumpanai, Kottilapadu, Simon colony and Colachal. The programme got the patronage of women group members, fishermen sangam members, youth groups, school children, pious organisations local panchayat leaders, police department, health and education institutions.
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