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The journey is strange but true that I switched from a labourer to a confectioner to fulfill my dream of having my own business.
I dropped out from school at an early age due to the poor family economic condition and started working as a daily wage labourer. In 2005, I moved to Tura in West Garo Hills district of Meghalaya in hope of better income and joined “Daddy Bakery”, one of the famous bakery in town for its quality products.
During this time, I learned to make cakes, biscuits, bread and other items. Somehow, I developed a liking for what I was doing which helped to learn many other items during my 5 years stay in the bakery.
In 2011, I opened my own bakery with the little savings of my own but unfortunately, it could not succeed and I had suffered great loss financially.
Dismayed with the situation, I came back to my parents and started working as daily wage labourer but the dream of having my own business was still buried somewhere deep.
When FARM Northeast II programme came to our village Mangrugre, I joined its Farmers group. It was something great to know that the programme not only covered our village but other 13 villages in Samanda Block of East Garo Hills.
FARM Northeast II conducted various awareness and training programme to promote livelihood. The opportunities boosted my morale and I shared my interest and experience of owning a bakery. The farm- II staffs were delighted to know about my ambition and encouraged me to start the business once again but in a small way.
In November 2017, I started selling the items in the village and at the Rongsak Bazar, which is 8 Km away from the village. Initial earning was less but during market days I started getting a profit of Rs. 1500/-. Today my monthly income is almost Rs. 9200.
I am also planning to upgrade my bakery and applied for a loan from Meghalaya Rural Bank with the support from FARM Northeast II programme. I hope to supply the products to others markets of the area and expand my business and hope that FARM-II will continue to support and guide me in my journey.
Sengseng Sangma is exemplary and motivation for the other youths to know that any individual can start any micro business for income generation provided one should have the goal in life and is devoted to his dreams. Dinan Sangma a young boy who was working under Senseng says that Senseng’s success inspires us to walk in his footsteps and do something constructive for our own livelihood.
Macfarlane Sangma, the Coordinator of FARM II contented while sharing that we tried our best to infuse the level of confidence in Senseng and to our happy surprise he responded though not so easy.
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