Individuals… seek a path to recovery, says creator of the Spider-Men web series on drug abuse & addiction

The present scenario of drug abuse in Kerala paints a troubling picture, demanding immediate attention and action. The state has been grappling with a significant increase in drug-related incidents, affecting individuals from various age groups and socioeconomic backgrounds. What was once considered a relatively minor issue has now evolved into a major public health concern. The availability of illicit substances, coupled with changing social dynamics and peer pressure, has contributed to the rise in drug abuse cases. Kerala, known for its high literacy rates and close-knit communities, is witnessing the alarming trend of drug addiction infiltrating families and communities, causing immense distress and disruption. The consequences of drug abuse extend far beyond the individual, impacting relationships, education, employment, and overall societal well-being. Sajeevam Campaign a crucial initiative by Caritas India to address this issue comprehensively, focusing on prevention, intervention, treatment, and support systems, making use of all possible ways to combat drug abuse effectively and create a safer, healthier future for the people of Kerala.
Kaduk, (Mustard) a web series aired every Friday on Media Catholica, a YouTube channel of Thrissur Archdiocese, shedding light on contemporary issues and imparting messages of goodness to people’s hearts launched a web series named ‘Spider Men’ as part of Sajeevam Campaign in association with Santhwanam, Thrissur to address the drug issues in Kerala.

Spider-Men web series focuses on drug abuse and addiction and portrays the harsh realities and consequences of drug abuse through compelling storytelling and relatable characters, the web series would create awareness and educate viewers about the dangers associated with substance abuse. It will shed light on the underlying causes, societal pressures, and the devastating effects of addiction on individuals, families, and communities. Moreover, the series could challenge stereotypes and stigmas surrounding addiction, fostering empathy and understanding among viewers. Through its portrayal of recovery journeys, rehabilitation options, and support systems, the web series would provide hope and encourage individuals struggling with drug addiction to seek help. Additionally, the accessible nature of web series can reach a wide audience, including vulnerable populations, and initiate conversations about drug abuse, ultimately driving community efforts to address and combat this pressing issue.
The official launch of Spider-Men’s first episode was done on 26th June 2023, the International Day against Drug Abuse and Addiction by Shri. Anil Kumar K.K, Director, State Excise Academy & Research Centre, Thrissur and handed over to Fr. Dr. Paul Moonjely, Executive Director, Caritas India. “This initiative is highly commendable for reaching out to people with innovative ideas like these and being able to create a storm of change in society, especially among children and youth,” said Fr. Paul after receiving the web-series dedication.

The idea of the web series was conceptualized by three talented young priests from the Archdiocese of Thrissur, Fr. Fijo Alappada, Fr. Pratheesh Kallarackkal & Fr. Grijo Vincent Muringathery. The whole planning, casting, production, and post-production of the web series by only these three priests. Kaduk, web series, started to use the potential of social media in a new generation style to convey a message to people in the context of Covid.

These team members have managed to win many awards in a short span of time including KCBC’s Social Media Icon Award 2022. “Spider-Men” is the new initiative by these 3 priests in the “Kaduku” web series. “Through the process of creating this web series on drug abuse and addiction, we have witnessed the transformative power of storytelling. Our hope is that this series will inspire empathy, and understanding, and ultimately drive individuals to seek a path to recovery,” said Fr. Fijo Alappadan.

“The decision to develop a web series on drug abuse and addiction especially targeting youth and children in Kerala was an urgent and necessary endeavor at a critical time when the state is grappling with a concerning rise in substance abuse cases,” said Fr. Pratheesh Kallarackkal. This web series focuses to shed light on this pressing issue and create a platform for open discussions, awareness, and education. By accurately depicting the local context and showcasing the experiences of individuals and communities impacted by drug abuse, the series seeks to address the root causes, societal factors, and challenges faced in tackling this problem.

Fr. Grijo Vincent Muringathery says “This web series aims to provide age-appropriate and relatable content that educates, informs, and empowers young viewers to make informed decisions.” By addressing the unique challenges faced by youth and children, such as peer pressure, misinformation, and social media influences, the series seeks to create a safe space for dialogue and discussion. It aims to dispel myths, raise awareness about the risks and consequences of drug abuse, and promote healthy coping mechanisms and alternatives.

Fr. Joy Mookken, Executive Director of Santhwanam, Thrissur at this moment shared, “By instilling resilience, fostering critical thinking, this web series aspires to equip youth and children in Kerala with the knowledge and skills necessary to resist drug temptation and lead healthy, fulfilling lives.”