JEEVAN Women-Led Empowering Action Program reviews its progress

In a recent review and reflection meeting held from September 26th to 28th, 2023, the JEEVAN Women-Led Empowering Action (WLEA) program brought together eleven dedicated Developmental Support and Social Service (DSSS) project partners from Maharashtra. The event took place at Sarvodaya, Mumbai, and marked an essential milestone in the journey of women’s empowerment and sustainable development in the region. The gathering also witnessed the presence of Dr. Saju M.K., Mr. Melvin Pangya, Mr. Soju, Ms. Aster, and 11 project outreach workers with field facilitators, all of whom contributed significantly to the program’s success.

The meeting began on an inspiring note with a prayer led by Sr. Julie, setting a tone of unity and purpose. Mr. Melvin Pangya extended a warm welcome to all the partners and outlined the structure and objectives of the review meeting. Dr. Saju M.K. provided context and emphasized the importance of the meeting in assessing the progress made in the areas of Good Governance and Sustainable Agriculture.

Each project partner presented their work and achievements, which included impactful stories, targeted goals, and their actual achievements. Moreover, they outlined their Unique Selling Propositions (USP) for the forthcoming six months, emphasizing their commitment to promoting Good Governance and Sustainable Agriculture.

Fr. (Dr.) Jolly Puthenpura, Assistant Executive Director, Caritas India joined the meeting virtually and expressed his enthusiasm for JEEVAN-WLEA. He highlighted the program’s significant representation of women in leadership roles, its partnership with all Archdiocese social service wings in Maharashtra, and its role in advancing women’s empowerment and political participation. Fr. Jolly commended the partners for their contributions to positive societal change and encouraged them to continue their efforts for the betterment of the community.

Dr. Saju M.K. facilitated discussions on the future of JEEVAN-WLEA, urging all directors to focus on project targets and outcomes to achieve outstanding results. He emphasized the unique opportunity presented by JEEVAN-WLEA, which fosters increased women’s participation and leadership across socio-political and economic spheres. Dr. Saju underscored the importance of strategic planning to maximize the program’s impact on women’s lives.

Mr. Soju led a session on Accounts and Finance management, sharing insights and observations from partner finance visits and audits. He emphasized the need for standardization in financial practices, providing guidance on budget utilization, documentation, bills, Terms of Reference (TOR), and vouchers.
Ms. Aster Lobo discussed the significance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India, shedding light on CSR trends from 2019 to 2022. She emphasized that corporates seek clear goals, objectives, and sustainability in the projects they fund, encompassing areas such as Education, Livelihood, Agriculture, Environment, Health & Nutrition, and infrastructure finance. Corporates also demand robust monitoring and evaluation strategies and visibility for their contributions. Ms. Aster provided valuable guidance on securing CSR projects and engaging effectively with CSR partners.

Participants engaged in a fruitful discussion on Sustainability Goals, shared their efforts in mobilizing CSR funds, and highlighted the challenges they encountered. The session concluded with a better understanding of how to secure and maintain CSR support effectively.

Mr. Melvin Pangya facilitated a session on visualizing the impact of the JEEVAN program and organized group activities involving all directors, outreach workers, and field facilitators. Together, they strategized, set targets, and planned unique approaches in the domains of Good Governance and Sustainable Agriculture for the upcoming six months. Mr. Pangya concluded the three-day reflection-cum-review meeting by inviting participants to provide feedback and extending a vote of thanks to all attendees.

The review meeting of the JEEVAN-WLEA program showcased remarkable progress and highlighted the areas where further improvements can be made. It served as a testament to the power of women’s leadership and collaboration in driving positive change in society. The program’s commitment to Good Governance, Sustainable Agriculture, and engagement with corporate partners through CSR initiatives demonstrates its dedication to women’s empowerment and community development. As the program continues to evolve and expand its impact, it remains a beacon of hope for women’s advancement in India.