Karandighi Police Station Is Now Child Friendly

Caritas India’s aim is to provide a dedicated friendly space for children at Police Stations, where they can play, learn, and express themselves freely while they interact with Police. The recently inaugurated child-friendly Station Karandighi in Uttar Dinajpur is the fifth district in West Bengal wherein Caritas India has supported, motivated, and worked with the law enforcement agency to establish a child-friendly space inside a police station. The police station will provide a positive environment where “Child in Conflict with Law” as well as “Children in Need of Care & Protection” can be given counselling in association with Caritas India Partner NGOs.

“These child-friendly corners will provide a dedicated comfortable space for children with play materials, educational games, notebooks, colouring books, toys, drinking water, and have child-friendly fixtures and fittings. A dedicated police staff has also been deployed to look after the kids.

Caritas India always believes that Child-Friendly approaches need to be reflected in every aspect of our behaviour with children. This includes conduct, tone, and attitude of the people interacting with them, the physical infrastructure surrounding them, the procedures that he/she is taken through within the ambit of the law, the general environment surrounding the child, whether he/she is in a police station, a childcare institution, a court, a government office, a hospital, or any other location.

Caritas India and its partners across West Bengal, strongly promotes and ensures that every child is treated in a child-friendly manner and to the best interest of the child in terms of decision-making regarding the child, ensuring fulfilment of his basic rights and needs, social well – being and physical, emotional and intellectual development as laid down under section 2 (15 ) of Juvenile Justice Act.

Since Police have often been seen as being the first responder to a child and their experience to the Juvenile Justice System, thus it becomes a prerogative role in the implementation of child-friendly approaches. It is also a mandate that “in every police station, at least one officer, not below the rank of assistant sub-inspector, with aptitude, appropriate training, and orientation may be designated as the child welfare police officer to exclusively deal with children either as victims or perpetrators, in co-ordination with the police, voluntary and non-governmental organizations.”- Section 107(1), JJ Act.

As a part of this endeavour, on 15th February 2022, Child-Friendly Police Station was inaugurated at Karandighi Police Station, District Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal by Caritas India’s Partners Social Welfare Institute, Raigunj in the auspicious presence of Shri Leewan Tamang – Dy SP( DIB), Raigunj, PD, Shri Nitish Tamang Block Development Officer, Kanrandighi Block, Uttar Dinajpur and Shri  Soumayajit Roy, Inspector- In-Charge Karandighi Police Station and Rt Rev. Bishop Fulgence Tigga- Bishop of Raigunj.

The program officially began with the lighting of the lamp by guests. This was followed by a vibrant dance performance by child leaders on the theme ‘iss jahaan ke liye’… Give peace a chance.

‘ It is a mandate that every police station must have a child-friendly corner and we appreciate the efforts of Caritas India and Social Welfare Institute for their collaboration for opening up of a Child-Friendly Corner for children at Karandighi Police Station. This is more so needed especially for those children who come in conflict with the law. We hope to see more such child-friendly police stations across Uttar Dinajpur district, were the words articulated by Shri Leewan Tamang -– Dy SP( DIB), Raigunj Police Division.

Shri Nitish Tamang, Block Development Officer, Karandighi Block in his speech mentioned that this is a great moment for all children of karandighi block. ‘I personally know that Karandighi Police Station is child friendly, but today more specifically we have a child-friendly space for children. We are aware that there are times when children need to be handled legally, so now it can deal with children’s issues in a more child-friendly way in this place. Appreciation to social welfare institute and Karandidhi Police Station for this wonderful initiative’.

A mesmerizing dance-drama performance soon followed by children on the theme ‘School chalee hum’ …lets go to School, showcasing primary education universally accessible to all, children rejoicing at the break of dawn, running off to schools with their school bags and friends along the way..

Monika Singha a child leader from a very remote village close to Bangladesh Border, voiced her concerns on Child labour, abuse and mistreatment faced by children. “Children have been abused and exploited always and there is no one to stand beside them. No one ever thought about their modesty, value and respect, nobody want to listen to children. There is abuse and exploitation of children everywhere, children are not able to go to school have good meals despite them having their family and relatives around them.

But, today, I am grateful to Caritas, that  I stand here before you speaking for the rights of children, children in the present and future and they too can build a great nation. I am delighted to see this endeavour of Police and local administration for the safety of children.”

I am aware of the good work of Caritas and hope to see them doing the same in future too. It is the who identified that we need to have a child-friendly corner, though we had one earlier, but it was very close to the main police station.

But that place was not favourable for children. We deal with crime and criminals and it is not a good place to bring children into the police station as this affects them psychologically. We saw this building and SWI came forward and together we were able to have this safe space for children, as expressed by Shri Soumayajit Roy , Inspector- In-Charge Karandighi Police Station.

Rt Rev. Bishop Fulgence Tigga, Bishop of Raigunj eloquently praised children as ‘Today’s children is tomorrow’s citizen and subsequent leaders. It’s a great honour to see all of us together collaborating towards nation-building and creating a safe environment for our children. Children are simple and innocent in nature, but due to challenging circumstances, they get entangled in conflicting situations. We promise to work for you and with you for your safety. Today is a great day for all of us, and we are grateful to the local administration for providing this safe space for our children.’

With bouquets and souvenirs as a token of appreciation, child leaders felicitated the chief guest and guests present.

Final words from Ms Asha R Ekka Program Lead Child Development- WB, that Caritas India’s Surokhit Shiashav – Child Rights program is committed to realizing child rights in the State of West Bengal. We look forward to engage, sensitize and make aware police personnel in child rights laws. Caritas India is committed to building a caring and sharing community with and for children.