Kerala: anti-drug abuse campaign Sajeevam starts state-level orientation

A state-level orientation of Sajeevam, an anti-drug abuse campaign, was organised by Caritas India and the Kerala Social Service Forum on February 23, 2023, at the Amos Center in Adichira, Kerala, to free the state from the drug menace. According to statistics, Kerala, which has a population of three crores, reported more than one lakh drug abuse cases in a year. Children and adults are rapidly getting addicted to alcohol and other addictive substances today.

It started as a church movement for creating a drug-free society, and the coordinators of each DSSS are the frontline fighters who should become the backbone of this church movement. The main aim of this training session was to inculcate all the working strategies of Sajeevam and make them understand the goals, administrative structure, way of operation, etc. for ensuring the expected result of Sajeevam.

Mr Tony Sunny, programme officer of KSSF, explained the severity of the dangerous problem with the gathering and quoted various cases that happened recently in Kerala. He shared that “today people in Kerala are living in a fantasy world after consuming various varieties of drugs. “This condition should be changed.” Fr. Michael Vettickatt, Vicar General of the Arch Diocese of Kottayam, stated that “it is the right time that the Church starts her response as a campaign along with 32 dioceses in Kerala towards the drug menace because drugs have conquered many parts of Kerala.” It is affecting individuals, families, communities, and all sectors adversely. Thus, the time has come for us to take action against this dreadful problem.
In his presidential address, KSSF Executive Director Fr. Jacob Mavunkal stated, “We are confident that we can eradicate drugs, the most dreaded social evil afflicting the people of Kerala, with the leadership of the Bishops of the Kerala Catholic Church and the active participation of all DSSS and commissions.” Mr Abeesh Antony, Kerala Program Associate, Caritas India, explained the key scenario of the Sajeevam in his keynote address. He pointed out that “drugs cannot be controlled alone, our approach is multisectoral, collaborating with all the DSSS and Commissions, it is possible to build drug-resilient communities, and we will create history.”

Fr. (Dr.) Paul Moonjely, Executive Director, of Caritas India, expressed that “through Caritas India, the Catholic Church in India is working closely with the Kerala Catholic Church in this struggling situation where a lot of people are addicted to alcohol and other drugs, causing a lot of problems to their families and societies and reaping the destruction of a generation. It is the social responsibility of the Church to bring the people of Kerala back to their previous peaceful condition, and the Church extends her saving arms through Caritas India. Sajeevam Campaign aims to create positive change in society through an “inclusive approach” while he is interacting with the DSSS Coordinators. Fr. Paul also clearly mentioned the prime roles and responsibilities of the DSSS coordinators in this mission; he also motivated them to think proactively and add more creative ideas to strengthen the campaign and reach the desired goal.

Sharing the overall perspectives and modalities of the campaign, Fr. (Dr.) Jolly Puthanpura, Assistant Executive Director, Caritas India, stated that “man, who is created in God’s image and likeness, has an obligation to fight against all types of addictions that prevent him from better living.” “Sajeevam is an intensive campaign from Caritas India involving all the commissions to make this happen and create a drug-free Kerala.” Fr. Jolly offered his greetings to the gathered DSSS Coordinators in this endeavour to create better societies and people for the future.

After the formal inauguration program, training was conducted for all 32 DSSS Coordinators. Fr. Thomas Kulathunkal, Executive Director, CHASS, and National Coordinator, NISD, led the first-level training. He provided clear-cut information about various varieties of drugs, their negative impacts on individuals, families, communities, and all other sectors, their mode of operation, and the strategies required to overcome them. He stated that today’s children are the most vulnerable group to drugs.They are the main carriers, too. This training on drug abuse helped the DSSS Coordinators know more about drug abuse and learn ways to prevent and manage drugs.

There was a training session on Sajeevam campaign project activities, which was led by Mr. Abeesh Antony, Kerala Program Associate, and Mr. Nixon Mathew, Finance Associate, Caritas India, along with Mr. Albin Jose, Sajeevam State Coordinator. campaign goal, objectives, operational strategies, mode of implementation, networking and linkages, and the mandatory working procedures of Sajeevam in detail with the help of a PowerPoint presentation. The task force and vigilance committee’s formation and working modalities were explained in a detailed manner. The group discussion with the DSSS Coordinators was a useful platform to share and clarify the concerns related to the campaign. The day was concluded by a vote of thanks by Mr. Albin Jose. All the DSSS coordinators from 32 dioceses returned to the field of action with a great desire and optimism to create drug-free societies, taking in positive ideas and inspiration for new beginnings