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Caritas India launched is Lenten Campaign on the first Sunday of Lent at Sacred Heart Cathedral of Delhi Archdiocese, New Delhi. The main celebrant was Archbishop Anil Couto assisted by Fr. Paul Moonjely and Fr. Jolly Puthenpura of Caritas India.
“Have you changed the world today?” Campaign Slogan asks the direct question to each of us to look at our lives and ask ourselves what we can do both individually and together to combat poverty and conserve resources and the natural world. This is a joint campaign between Church of India and Germany to participate in a dialogue on our contribution to improving the quality of life.
The first Sunday of lent was selected to create awareness and share about the campaign through the liturgy prepared by Caritas India on the campaign. Archbishop encouraged people to live a Christian life to be one in the church and we are called to take ourselves by changing ourselves and bring this change and transformation to the whole world.
The Lenten campaign liturgy has selected weekly themes; week one focused on ‘You shall protect the environment – A Christian Call to Action’. It emphasizes on reminds us of our duty and responsibility towards creation, nature, the precious gift that we have received from God our creator. The second week talks about changing lifestyle and promoting green earth by overcoming our individual greed for more comfort. The third week remind us about the new commandment to protect our common home and take proactive steps to prevent water, air and noise pollution. The fourth week focuses to love God’s creation and adapt towards reducing, recycling, reusing, restoring and replenishing. The fifth and last week concerns about obeying the new covenant of saving energy, saving water and saving the generations.
Fr. Paul Moonjely, Executive Director Designate thanked all the people gathered for the mass. He introduced the campaign to the people by extending the invitation to protect the environment and conserve the nature. He asked people to refrain themselves from all those actions that damage the nature. He said Caritas India provide this opportunity to everyone to be part of this mission of caring and sharing and thereby receive the graces of the lord and add meaning to our human and spiritual life. The theme of the campaign is a call and we can contribute in our own little ways to be part of this campaign.
Caritas India has set up a kiosk at the Cathedral campus to disseminate the campaign theme with the people and seek their cooperation towards the issue. People came forward to express their willingness to support the cause and learn more about the cooperation.
Children from Nine is Mine organization performed a beautiful skit at the Cathedral campus on the climate change theme and presented through different dance and ways and means to care for our common home.
The ceremonial launch of the campaign was done by releasing of sky lantern by Archbishop Anil Couto, Fr. Paul Moonjely, Fr. Jolly Puthenpura and children from Nine is Mine. The whole event was successfully conducted with the active participation of Chetanalaya, the Delhi social service society and members of Sacred Heart Cathedral Church.
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