Like-minded NGOs joining hands to work collectively for small farm future

app regional consultation

Jharkhand state falls under the agro-climatic zone VII (Eastern Plateau and Hilly region), which has been further divided into three subzones. Undulating topographic sequences of the State and rainfed agriculture have led to massive degradation of soil, diverse agricultural practices, and low productivity. About 82% of annual rainfall occurs within the monsoon season, which lasts from mid-June to September. Available moisture over the entire monsoon period determines the opportunity for the various cropping system practiced by the farmers.

Despite good rainfall, the cropped area and cropping intensity is low. The level of technology adaptation is also poor leading to lower productivity. The State suffers from several critical gaps in agriculture and allied sectors through a number of opportunities exist to make the state self-sufficient in agricultural production. Furthermore, farmers don’t get remunerative prices for their produce which raises many queries with regards to the advancement of the community in the income ladder. Besides, there are multiple reasons that necessitate the provisioning of extension services in the pre-production, production, post-production and harvesting and marketing of produce 

Keeping an eye on the above, a one-day consultation around smallholder farmers issues, challenges, and prospects with all like-minded organisations working in the state was organised by CARITAS INDIA at Gumla, Ranchi and Hazaribagh on 17th 22nd & 26th of November respectively. Almost 39 civil societies were participated in the above prior to the national consultation to discussed on;

  • Soil test based nutritional management
  • Need to go for research-based movement
  • Retaining the nutritional value in the produce
  • Risk minimization and optimum utilization of resources
  • Sharing of experiences by CSOs promoting smallholder farmers led innovations
  • Evolve strategies to strengthen a food security network in the state by involving all important stakeholders

The civil societies agreed to come together and form a Forum of all the likeminded NGOs of the state of Jharkhand and work collectively for the greater good of the smallholders.


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