Newly appointed Directors of Social Apostolate oriented on Caritas India’s Strategy

The Orientation Programme of New Diocesan Directors of Social Apostolate is currently being held at the Caritas India Head Office, New Delhi. The 3 days orientation began on 11th July 2019 and will end on 14th July 2019.

This year the programme has 26 newly appointed Directors from various Dioceses across the country.

The orientation programme is intended for new and recently appointed Diocesan Directors. Besides the overview of Caritas India and her works, the programme aims at providing the participants with current context, theory, challenges and practical knowledge on various functional aspects to enable them effectively manage and implement social development works carried out at the Diocesan Level. This year’s agenda emphasises on the Caritas India Strategy Plan and its Key Strategic Pillars.

In his inaugural address, His Grace Bishop Lumen, Chairman, Caritas India strongly emphasised that as Directorate of the Social Apostolate there is need to see its ministry as a way of religious life. He also stressed on the aspect of transparency and accountability in the works we undertake.

Fr Paul, Executive Director, Caritas India taking the introductory session opined that the Orientation programme was a platform for coming together for collective reflection and introspection while touching on the critical aspects of the Caritas India vision and mission.

Addressing the participants on the Caritas India’s Theory of Change, he presented an overview of our ministry based on the principles of Diakonia leading to transformation which is sustainable. He also quoted, “Unless faith is translated into action it is death” to bring home the point closer. The first day also had Fr Jolly, AED, Caritas India taking a session on the Catholic Social Teachings which served as a reminder of the core and basic values that the social institution of Caritas India and her partners is built on and the imperative need to imbibe and follow these enshrined values.

The agenda is designed to orient and familiarize the participants intensively on Caritas India, her values and principles besides the Caritas India Strategy Plan and its key strategic pillars. It also provides inputs on the various initiatives and the plans envisaged by Caritas India in the various thematic sectors. For enabling a comprehensive understanding of development Caritas India programme also has sessions on the Financial, HR and Communication aspects.