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One of the most important event to strengthen nutrition under Khandwa district of Madhya Pradesh was district-level NGO alliance meeting. For the first time NGOs like AghaKhan Foundation, EFICOR, Lion’s Club, Mahila Jan Kalyan, Nikki Welfare Society including Sabal partners Khandwa Diocesan Social Services (KDSS) & Spandan Samaj Seva Sansthan came together for inter-learning and sharing their experiences based on their thematic and knowledge.
The significance of the diverse organisations coming together is to create a platform of various NGOs and Civil Society Organisations working at the grassroot in Khandwa to present their success in the sectors of health & sanitation, food & nutrition security and addressing the issue of malnutrition.
Dr. Saju MK, West Zone Manager of Caritas India moderated the whole programme with Robin George- Sabal-Programme Manager and Mukund Deshmukh Assistant Programme Manager for developing consensus among the participant on core issues to develop strategic plans to address the identified issues.
The participants unanimously decided to come up as a group called “Khandwa Civil Society Organization Forum” and agreed to meet quarterly to keep the group vibrant and active. Action plans were developed and decisions were supported including identification of the common villages where two or more organizations will work and provide support at various level to develop a model village.
Caritas India will identify common villages for AghaKhan, EFICOR, KDSS & Spandan to support human resources and monetary support for timely activities. Lion’s Club will extend their support to organize health camps for ANC/PNC mothers and children. Support for volunteer mobilisation and awareness building through nukkad natak was expressed by Mahila Jan Kalyan & Nikki Welfare.
This is the first time such an active alliance was formed in Khandwa district with multiple organizations to address malnutrition.
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