Re-vitalizing IDEAS of the Southern Region

A full-day reflection meeting on Integrated Development through empowering animation and sharing (IDEAS) was organized for the diocesan directors of the Southern and Western Region on 21 February 2023 at KROSS Bengaluru. 30 participants from both regions along with Caritas India staff participated in the reflection meeting.

The goal of the IDEAS meeting was to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of Caritas India and her partner organization in their functioning and program implementation. As we move ahead with the implementation of the Strategic Plan with the restoration of normalcy, it becomes important to review the activities carried out by partners and take measures to revamp the strategic plan implementation process with more focus and pace for better outcomes. Hence, one day meeting with 25 IDEAS partner directors from Southern Region has been planned. The meeting will be a platform for the partners to discuss their achievements and challenges and plan for a way forward for the effective implementation of the four key strategic pillars.

Fr. Paul Moonjely, the Executive Director of Caritas India gave away the opening remarks and perspective sharing on the four strategic pillars to change the traditional way of operationalizing. He traversed through the trajectory of change and shared his view on all four strategic pillars. His concept of 4C Covid, Climate, Conflict and Cost, coupled with the solutions of 4S Solidarity, Social Justice, Spirituality, and Social Friendship were the key takeaways.

Mr Kushal Neogy from CRS also facilitate the partners and invited them to think differently about how the development work can be guided by the key strategic dimensions. Ms. Babita Pinto shared some key outcomes of the Northern regional meet that helped all the participants to plan their activities and program in a planned and organized manner.

The reflection meeting will help revitalize the IDEAS approach to ensure that the Strategic Plan is well mainstreamed into the development thinking and perspectives of the Diocesan Directors of the Social Apostolate