Reviewing of trellising practice by farmers yields positive results

Trellising is an old farming technique that entails keeping the crops off the ground to increase the space as well as the yield. The technique also helps in preventing the fruit from rotting. Installation of trellises based on Jhum huts was a common tradition practised in the Mizo farming culture. However, the method is susceptible to attracting insects and other bugs leading to its gradual decline in the farming community.

Since, the FARM Project in the Northeast has been promoting various traditional farming practices, it discovered enough benefits of this specific farming practice to be revived for good. Trellis is simple and requires a few additional structures to be installed.

It saves time and labour. However, the problem of attracting insects and bugs inside the Jhum hut was a major impediment for the farmers before readopting the practice.

So the FARM Project staff discussed and recommended a solution for farmers who wish to practice trellis farming, asking them to keep the inside of the hut clean to keep the unwanted threats at bay. Aside from that, they were advised to use appropriate insecticides/pesticides inside the hut if necessary.

In one such case, Pu Chalngaihthanga of Serchhip VC-I Farmers’ Club wanted to be a part of the traditional trellis farming revival process. So he built a trellis around his Jhum hut and planted snake gourds. The idea worked and yielded instant results. Apart from his consumption in the field and at home with his family, he has been able to earn thousands since he adopted trellis farming. Pu admitted that his wife did not initially agree with the installation of a trellis on the Jhum hut, but he eventually persuaded her to bear the consequences. Now after enjoying the benefits of the technique, he now has her full support.

Numerous such traditional good practices need to be revived for the sustainable benefit of the farming sector. Many farmers are unaware of how important these practices are in today’s farming system. These traditional practices are more important than ever because they are ecologically sustainable and environmentally friendly.