SABAL engaged in fostering sustainable development and empowering communities

Caritas India, in collaboration with four grassroots organizations, Khandwa Diocesan Social Services, Dayasagar Social Centre, Jeevan Vikas Sansthan, and Matruschaya Social Centre, organized a two-day Partners Review cum Planning Meeting for the Sabal Extension-II project at the Jeevan Darshan Training Centre in Paratwada on 18th and 19th July 2023. The event witnessed the active participation of 22 individuals, including Directors, Outreach workers, Field Trainers, and Community Facilitators, representing the partner organizations.

The primary objectives of the meeting were to share achievements, promote cross-learning, strengthen the program, and plan for future phases. The meeting aimed to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among the partner organizations to enhance the overall effectiveness of the Sabal project, addressing issues related to food, nutrition, and livelihoods.

Dr. Mukund Deshmukh, Asst. Program Lead – CI, extended a warm welcome to all participants and provided an overview of the meeting’s objectives.

Dr. Saju MK, Team Lead – CI praised the partners for their remarkable work in the field, emphasizing the importance of sustainable models for nutrition gardens, malnutrition-free villages, millet growers communities, and households with localized nutritional recipes.

During the two-day event, each partner organization presented its key achievements and outcomes from the Sabal program conducted between April and July. These presentations sparked insightful discussions and provided opportunities for partners to seek clarifications and learn from each other’s experiences.

The second day commenced with a recap of the previous day by Mr. Robin George, Programme Lead from Caritas India, reinforcing the key takeaways from the previous day’s presentations.

Fr. (Dr.) Jolly Puthenpura, Assistant Executive Director, Caritas India, delivered a motivating keynote address, commending the dedication and efforts of the partners in making Sabal a flagship program. He highlighted the significance of sustainable results and empowering communities to independently address food, nutrition, and livelihood-related challenges.
The Caritas India Sabal team also shared their own presentations, offering insights into the project’s progress and achievements. The partners actively engaged in developing a comprehensive 4-month plan encompassing various initiatives related to agriculture, health, and nutrition. Each organization presented their plans, encouraging collaborative input from fellow participants.

The event concluded with Mr. Soju expressing gratitude on behalf of all attendees, delivering the Vote of Thanks, and acknowledging the fruitful discussions and inspiring contributions made during the meeting.

The Partners Review cum Planning Meeting for Sabal Extension-II served as a pivotal platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and strategic planning among the participating grassroots organizations. It reinforced the commitment of Caritas India and its partners towards achieving sustainable development goals, addressing food and nutrition challenges, and empowering communities for a better future. The outcomes of the meeting are expected to drive positive changes in the upcoming months, reflecting the collective efforts of all stakeholders involved in the Sabal project.