Safe Hand Saves Life

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness” it plays a vital role in the betterment of the physical environment and refers to the maintenance of hygienic conditions and the improvement and promotion of human health through different practices. There are many people in our country who do not have access to cleanliness facilities including access to clean water. Several children and adults belonging to the impoverished sections of society grow up in an unsafe, unhygienic environment, which is the leading cause of many diseases in such communities. Good hand hygiene is an important infection control measure as person-to-person contact, including via hands, is a common mode of transmission for gastrointestinal and respiratory infections. Many studies have shown that handwashing education and proper handwashing reduce the transmission of illness.

To improve knowledge and awareness of hygienic behaviour to reduce the spread of infections, Caritas India took an initiative. It installed hand-washing platforms in 17 schools of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand under the Gram Nirman programme supported by Caritas Australia. The programme is a direct implementation programme of Caritas India based on Asset Based Community Development approach with an objective to promote health and wellness among 165 communities of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. School management and the children are very happy to receive the support and have ensured the proper use of these facilities.

Earlier, children had to travel far and make use of hand pumps to wash their hands. Whereas now they will have the facility available within their school premises. Approximately 1875 children will be using these hand washing facilities in 17 schools.

Sonia Xalxo, a student from Jashpur, Kutuma Govt, expressed their joy on seeing the water tanks installed. Primary School said, “We are very happy to have a handwashing facility in our school and now we regularly wash our hands before and after meals. We are more aware of the importance of hand hygiene and also conservation of water.”