Sajeevam marks World Anti-Drug Day: Recommitting its Fight against Substance Abuse

On World Anti-Drug Day, June 26, 2024, Kerala witnessed a landmark event in its ongoing battle against drug abuse as Caritas India’s Sajeevam Anti-Drug Campaign took center stage. In a state grappling with a surge in substance abuse, particularly among its youth, the Sajeevam campaign emerged as a powerful force for change. This year’s theme, “The evidence is clear; invest in prevention,” underscores the urgent need for proactive measures, and Caritas India, in collaboration with the Kerala Social Service Forum and the Temperance Commission of KCBC, is leading the charge with evidence-based strategies designed to educate, engage, and empower communities.

The comprehensive Anti-Drug Day observation program mobilized 32 DSSS partners across Kerala, orchestrating over 1,075 diverse activities that reached approximately 400,000 people. These initiatives, centered around awareness and prevention, included informative sessions by experts from the police and excise departments, public rallies, pledge-taking ceremonies, and street theatres. Each activity aimed to shed light on the dangers of drug.

The campaign’s activities were a testament to the power of collective action. Public rallies, where participants carried placards with powerful anti-drug messages and recited slogans, drew significant attention and fostered a strong sense of community solidarity. Pledge-taking ceremonies reinforced personal and collective commitments to a drug-free life, while street theatres performed by youth volunteers vividly depicted the grim realities of drug addiction, effectively engaging and educating the public.

Educational institutions also played a pivotal role. Colleges and schools organized exhibitions and competitions, including drawing and speech contests, to foster a deeper awareness among students. These initiatives not only educated the younger generation about the dangers of drug abuse but also encouraged them to become active participants in the fight against it.

In the lead-up to Anti-Drug Day, several Kerala DSSS partners organized Sajeevam Sunday observation programs in collaboration with local parishes and catechism departments. These programs included anti-drug messages during holy mass sermons, followed by sessions on drug abuse and addiction. Activities such as pledge-taking ceremonies, rallies around church premises, and awareness acts performed by senior students effectively reinforced the anti-drug message within the faith community.

The Changanacherry Social Service Society (CHASS) stood out with its meticulously planned month-long observation program, organizing approximately 100 events across five districts. Collaborating with stakeholders such as the Excise and Police Departments, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and Self-Help Group (SHG) members, CHASS’s initiatives included street plays, flash mobs, marathons, bike and cycle rallies, human chain formations, and radio programs. These activities not only raised awareness but also fostered community engagement and solidarity against substance abuse.
“Our month-long observation program has yielded positive outcomes and made significant impacts in our communities. Through collaborative efforts and diverse activities, we have successfully raised awareness and strengthened our collective resolve against drug abuse,” said Fr. Thomas Kulathunkal, Executive Director of CHASS.

A pivotal initiative of the Anti-Drug Day observation was the Task Force training program. Recognizing the critical role of the Task Force in advancing the campaign’s objectives, several DSSS partners undertook community-level training and enrolment programs. Task Force members were equipped with comprehensive skills and knowledge, including effective communication strategies and community mobilization techniques, to address drug abuse issues sensitively and proactively.

Ms. Molly Babu, a Task Force member from Idukki, expressed her commitment to preventing drug abuse within her family and community after completing the training program. “I found the training to be incredibly meaningful and insightful as a mother. I am committed to making rigorous efforts to prevent drug abuse within my family and to actively engage in community-level interventions to protect our society,” she said.

“The Anti-Drug Day activities conducted by our DSSS partners have been incredibly inspiring for the public and communities, demonstrating the power of collective action. As we enter the second phase of the Sajeevam Anti-Drug Campaign, we will continue this momentum with the dedicated engagement and services of our newly formed Task Force members,” said Fr. Jacob Mavunkal, Executive Director of KSSF.

The Sajeevam Anti-Drug Campaign’s efforts have demonstrated a strong commitment to building a drug-free society in Kerala. By raising awareness, mobilizing communities, and fostering hope and resilience, Caritas India and its partners are making significant strides in combating drug abuse. As Kerala continues to face the challenges of substance abuse, the Sajeevam campaign’s evidence-based strategies and community-focused initiatives offer a beacon of hope and a model for other regions to follow.