Sajeevam reaches 40,000 catechism children in Kerala with an anti-drug message

Drug abuse has become a serious problem in the state of Kerala, with more children and school students falling prey to its clutches. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Caritas India in collaboration with Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Conference and all 32 Diocesan Social Service Society (DSSS) partners have launched a campaign against drug abuse named ‘Sajeevam’ in Kerala.

The campaign in the Thrissur Archdiocese penetrates deep into every parish through its social wing, Santhwanam. The strategy involves reaching out to the children through catechism classes to educate them about the ill effects of drugs. The campaign has already reached 40,000 children through an intensive catechism program ‘Daivadarshan’ conducted between April 10, 2023, to May 15, 2023.

Every year during summer vacations the Archdiocese conduct three days 3 days Intensive Catechism programmes for the school-going & catechism students. The prime focus of this programme is to train the children to adopt social and moral behaviour and engage them in pious and noble activities. This year Sajeevam, the anti-drug campaign was taken as a major theme of intensive catechism across 251 parishes of the Archdioceses.

The campaign plans and executes preventive approaches through school-going children. Children in their tender age of conscientiousness well on the seriousness of the problem can help to avoid and keep away from this dangerous situation.

Thirty-Six Brothers from the Major Seminary of the Archdiocese and representatives of the Archdiocese Catechism department were the Lead Resource team for this intervention. The team was given two-day orientation on the 27th & 28th of April 2023 at St. Mary’s Minor Seminary where all the Major Seminarians of the Archdiocese were gathered.

“As Sajeevam is the response of the Church in Kerala in association with Caritas India, it is also the responsibility of the seminary brothers to engage proactively as you are the pastors in future,” said Fr. Francis Vazhapilly, in his inaugural speech. Mr. Abeesh Antony, State Programme Associate of Caritas India gave the orientation of the Campaign and its process & methodology.

“Children are always vulnerable, and we have the duty and social responsibility to empower them. If a child becomes addicted to alcohol or any other drugs among us, we are also responsible for it. We should make use of all the possible ways to save out children. It is our greatest chance and lets us strive for the good of our children,” said Mr Abeesh.
Awareness rallies, group discussions, drawing competitions, debates, newspaper cutting collection on drug abuse & addiction, storytelling, awareness skit etc. were some of the activities proposed during the group discussion among the Major seminarians which were incorporated into the intensive Catechism programme.

“In these 3 days programmes, we can intervene and work creatively as possible to provide care and strength to the children by including more ant-drug awareness activities,” said Bro. Christo Manjali, one of the major seminarian. After the group discussion, Lead Sajeevam Resource Team was formed consisting of Executive Directors, Santhwanam, Directors of Temperance Commission of the Archdiocese, Seminary Rector, Major Seminarians, Sr. Joythis & Sr. Jismaria, Mr. Rony Augustine & Mr. Nelson, Campaign supports. This team is responsible for facilitating Drug abuse and addiction awareness programmes in the parishes.

The Team reached out to more than 200 parishes in the Archdiocese. The Catechism units of each parish including HM, PTA staff and other staff extended wholehearted support to the intensive catechism programme.

Catechism teachers have also expressed their appreciation for the campaign. “Anti-drug campaign is a very sensitive issue so should address carefully, now days catechism students also altar boys are also addicted and in danger situation” said Mr. Baby Paul, Catechism Headmaster, St. Joseph Church Kundukkad.

The ‘Sajeevam’ campaign has been successful in raising awareness about the dangers of drug abuse and promoting a drug-free society. As a result of this novel initiative a good number of children gained knowledge of the devastating and danger effects of the drugs in family and society through interactive sessions and activities. Children unanimously took pledge Say No to Drugs.

Caritas India has been instrumental in implementing the ‘Sajeevam’ campaign. The organization has been working with communities across India to promote social justice and equality. The ‘Sajeevam’ campaign is a testament to their commitment to promoting a drug-free society and ensuring the well-being of children. A serious follow-up activities and approaches would take place at the parish level with the support of parents & teachers.

The campaign has been welcomed by parents who have seen the devastating effects of drug abuse on children. Speaking about the campaign, a parent Ms. Sreeja, from Perinchery parish said, “It is important to create awareness among parents and teachers to monitor and find out the changes in students who are into drug abuse. The communication network between teachers and parents should be strong.”

The Catholic Church of Kerala has played a vital role in the campaign. The Church has a strong presence in Kerala and has been actively involved in social and humanitarian work. The ‘Sajeevam’ campaign is a reflection of their commitment to promoting the welfare of the community.

As a way forward, every Parish Priest will select and form a task force and volunteers of students at the catechism level to strengthen the campaign. “This knowledge is to be positively utilised for our better future and leading a drug-free life should be a great gift that we can give to our parents and community” says Master George from Kulangattukara parish.
The ‘Sajeevam’ campaign by the Catholic Church and Caritas India is a significant step towards addressing the issue of drug abuse in Kerala. The campaign has been successful in raising awareness about the dangers of drug abuse and promoting a drug-free society. The campaign strategy to penetrate deep into every parish in the diocese through catechism classes is a great initiative and has been well-received by parents and catechism teachers. The success of the campaign is a testament to the commitment of the Catholic Church and Caritas India to promoting social justice and equality.