Sajeevam Root-treat; Nipping the Bud of the Drug Addiction Menace in Kerala

In an era where the scourge of drug abuse and addiction continues to cast a dark shadow over the lives of countless individuals, particularly our youth, the Santhwanam social work department of Thrissur Archdiocese in Kerala, in collaboration with Caritas India, the official social development arm of the Catholic Church in India, offers its “Root-treat” programme. This initiative, an integral part of the Sajeevam anti-drug campaign, is dedicated to nurturing the well-being of our youngest generation. “Treating the Root” is not just a clever play on words; it signifies our unwavering commitment to recognize students and children as the very roots of our society. Through this programme, we aim to provide them with the necessary knowledge, guidance, and support to empower them against the looming threat of drug-related issues. Our mission is to encourage these young minds to reject this social evil and cultivate a mental disposition that keeps them far away from the allure of synthetic drugs.

The ‘Root-treat’ campaign represents a monumental effort geared towards the betterment of society’s youngest members, with a specific focus on 103 schools nestled within the picturesque Thrissur district of Kerala, collectively encompassing nearly 1 lakh students. The programme’s overarching objective is to equip these impressionable minds with the knowledge and tools to combat the menacing spectre of drug abuse and addiction. This mission unfolds through three meticulously structured sets of awareness and training programs, each designed to address drug-related issues at different levels: raising awareness, clarifying the pivotal roles that students and children play in preventing drug abuse within their families, at the broader societal level, and within their immediate communities.

“Root Treat” is not merely a programme; it is a lifeline, an investment in the future, and a testament to our dedication to safeguarding the well-being of our youth. “The Root Treat programme is not just about educating students; it’s about cultivating a generation that’s resilient against the allure of drugs, a generation that will stand as the bulwark against addiction in our society” said by Rev. Fr. Joy Mookkan, Executive Director, Santhwanam, Thrissur.
At the campaign’s inception, a pivotal one-day programme is orchestrated in every participating school, orchestrated by the dedicated and passionate team from DSSS Sajeevam campaign. This dynamic team comprises a conglomerate of vital stakeholders, including the DSSS campaign officer, school representatives, adept counsellors, and specialized student trainers. The journey commences with an intensive orientation and training programme carefully curated to arm students with the knowledge and tools requisite for tackling drug-related issues with efficacy.

The training programme is conducted in a student-friendly manner, incorporating interactive elements such as games, play, and art, all within the school environment. Notably, the campaign places significant emphasis on the importance of emotional support and counselling. Consequently, in the afternoons, counsellors are readily available to students, extending their invaluable counselling services and support. It is essential to underscore that participation in counselling is entirely voluntary, with no compulsion placed upon students. Rev. Fr. George Thottan CMI, the trainer says, “In Root-treat, we are not just teaching facts; we’re igniting passion. We’re not just imparting knowledge; we’re fostering courage. We’re empowering students to be the change-makers in their own lives and communities”.

Within each school, a dedicated teacher is appointed to oversee and coordinate all Sajeevam and Root-treat related programmes, ensuring the seamless integration of these vital initiatives within the school’s fabric. Further fortifying the campaign’s impact is the formation of Sajeevam task force volunteers, chosen meticulously based on specific criteria such as leadership qualities, eloquence in speech, training aptitude, and a genuine passion for the campaign’s mission. These task force teams represent the vanguard of the campaign within their respective schools, spearheading the charge with dedication and commitment. Over time, the formation of an action plan becomes paramount, serving as a guiding compass for the campaign’s ongoing success and enhancing its overall effectiveness. Through Root-treat, the seeds of awareness and resilience against drug abuse are sown, nurturing a brighter, drug-free future for our youth and society at large. “Empowering students through ‘Root-treat’ is like planting seeds of resilience. As trainers, we nurture these seeds with knowledge and skills, watching them grow into a generation capable of resisting the allure of drugs and making a lasting impact on society” said by Sr. Jismaria, Sajeevam Campaign Officer, Santhwanam, Thrissur.

The Root-treat school-based programme embodies the essence of addressing the root causes of drug addiction by nurturing the minds of our students and children. This two-year-long initiative has set its sights on cultivating a generation armed with knowledge and resilience, poised to resist the lure of drug addiction. As the successful launch of the first phase, spanning 20 schools, the campaign is witnessing the seeds of knowledge and resilience taking root in these young hearts. They are not just recipients of information; they are becoming agents of change within their families and communities. As the programme will embark on its next phase, it will be extended to all diocesan schools in Thrissur district. Root-treat is more than a programme; it is a pledge to cultivate a drug-free generation that will not only resist the grip of addiction but also sow the seeds of transformation in society. Together, we shall continue to treat the root, empowering our youth to flourish and lead the way towards a brighter, healthier future for us all.