Shanti Sadbhavna Yatra to promote peace and communal Harmony

A Shanti Sadbhavna Yatra was organized under the Caritas India Samvaad Peacebuilding and reconciliation programme in Uttar Pradesh by Meerut Seva Samaj (MSS) to promote peace and harmony in the communities.

Caritas India through the Samvaad programme envisioned creating a peaceful community with the social and economic development of the marginalized and vulnerable communities. A collaboration of different stakeholders and focused beneficiaries had formalized so that peace dialogues can be done on the occasions where the probability of communal disturbance may arise in the area. Regular meetings are conducted with different interfaith leaders and several influencers to initiate the dialogue on peace through Samvaad Programme. Continuing the journey of peacebuilding, Meerut Sewa Samaj launched the Shanti Sadhbhavna Yatra where Madarsa Mahmoodia was involved with its members. The peace march was flagged off by Shri. Manish Chaudhary with other dignitaries of the Citizen forum constituted under the Samvaad Programme.

Western Uttar Pradesh has experienced several communal strifes and witnessed the loss of many lives and property. The communal disturbances in this area were horrendous, but the initiative undertaken in Samvaad Program to prevent communal riots through mass awareness is one of the encouraging acts which work towards stabilizing the situation in the coming days. This Shanti Sadhbhavna Yatra is exclusively planned for the twenty-four communities with more than seven lacs of Population who will be made aware and sensitized on the importance of peace and development of the society. Beside this, the yatra will cover two regions of Charthawal and Shahpur area of Muzaffarnagar and also in the areas of Saharanpur district. This awareness and sensitization initiative is one of the major instruments to build a common opinion from different faith and cultural background without any disparity and to add value to the belief of each other. This Sadhbhavna yatra started with the objective to promote peace, communal harmony, and brotherhood in the communities and to create awareness among the people to live in peace and be empowered for economic development and well-being.

The Sadbhavna Yatra will cover more than five hundred kilometres in two districts of western Uttar Pradesh in the coming days, where community awareness and sensitization, meeting with youths and children in schools and engagement of influential stakeholders like district and block-level govt. authorities and interfaith leaders will be involved, including public awareness. The yatra will also disseminate messages on peace, harmony, and love with each other and refrain from any communal sensitive narratives, rumours, and undermining slogans. This effort of Caritas India’s partner is conducted with the purpose to build resilient communities for promoting peace and social integration where holistic development will be seen in the coming days after taking these kinds of responsible initiatives to bring everyone to one platform for the dialogue on peace and to represent as a peace ambassador of the society. The Sadbhavna yatra still continues with the support and involvement of stakeholders and media who are welcoming this initiative, willing to be a part of it and looking forward to the peace and harmony in their area.