Spearhead Safeguarding Initiative to Protect Vulnerable Individuals at DSSS level

In a concerted effort to prioritize the safety and protection of vulnerable individuals, Caritas India, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Society for Social Development in the Northern Region (SSDNR) Forum have launched a Safeguarding program. Safeguarding, a crucial concept in our society, entails the responsibility of ensuring the well-being of vulnerable people, particularly children and adults who are unable to fend for themselves. Regardless of age, gender, disability, or ethnic origin, every individual has an inalienable right to be shielded from harm, abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The essence of safeguarding lies in taking proactive measures to prevent these unfortunate occurrences.

SSDNR Forum, in collaboration with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) India and Caritas India, has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative called the “SaFE” program, which stands for ‘Safety for Everyone.’ The program’s primary objective is to institutionalize safeguarding within their systems and procedures, fostering a safe and conducive environment within the organization.

As part of this laudable endeavour, the SSDNR Forum organized a one-day workshop on the Safeguarding Framework and Assessment tools for its Diocesan Social Service Society (DSSS) partners. The workshop sought to raise awareness about the significance of safeguarding, its underlying principles, and the processes involved. It also aimed to inspire and empower DSSS organizations to formulate their own safeguarding policies, aligning with international standards. SSDNR Forum is actively working to adapt its existing systems and processes to meet these international safeguarding benchmarks.

During the workshop’s opening remarks, Fr. (Dr.) Jolly Puthenpura, Assistant Executive Director of Caritas India, emphasized the diverse nature of the world and the corresponding responsibility to protect, nurture, and provide a safety net for those they work with. He underscored the inherent worth of every individual, stressing that safeguarding is imperative in ensuring a better world. Safeguarding, he asserted, is about shielding each person from harm and exploitation, a duty that resonates with the belief that all are created in the image and likeness of God.

Ms. Retty George from CRS elaborated on SSDNR Forum’s journey in initiating safeguarding aspects within its systems, culminating in the current endeavour to implement safeguarding plans at the DSSS level. The workshop, co-facilitated by Ms. Anushikha Thompson from SSDNR and Ms. Catherine Kune from Caritas India, delved into the concept of safeguarding, its comprehensive framework (encompassing policies, prevention, and response), standards, assessment tools, processes, and timelines. Participants engaged in group exercises aimed at self-reflection and were sensitized to identify prohibited behaviours and the reporting mechanisms for safeguarding incidents in the workplace.

The DSSSs are now advancing this safeguarding journey in tandem with SSDNR. They have nominated staff representatives who will undergo assessments within 45 days. Moreover, SSDNR Forum has committed to providing indispensable support, including orientation, training, and the formulation of safeguarding policies, in collaboration with Caritas India and CRS. This united effort serves as a resounding testament to the commitment of these organizations to prioritize the well-being of the most vulnerable among us, reaffirming that safeguarding is a collective responsibility and a moral imperative.