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The temperature is rising and the thirst for water is growing among people; but quenching their thirst with water was not an option for the Korku community of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. Caritas India’s integrated programme ‘Sabal’ for the korku tribe is addressing the issue of chronic malnutrition and hunger, predominated in the regions of Khalwa block of Khandwa – Madhya Pradesh and Chikkaldhara block of Paratwada – Maharashtra, through its food and nutrition security initiatives. And, it has taken one more step to address the immediate issue of the community in an innovative way without changing its rooted focus.
Korku is among the most backward and poor tribes of India and earn their livelihood through cultivation, working as agricultural labour, rearing livestock, etc. April to June are the most dreadful months in the region where people struggle to meet even their basic need for water. All the community sources of water including wells, handpumps, ponds, check-dams get dried up even before the beginning of summers. Women and adolescent girls are compelled to walk miles to fetch water from other available water sources. This persisting problem forces people to migrate to other places as they are left with no options.
Caritas India along with its three partners assessed the immediate need in-order to allay the increasing distress migration and problems of water scarcity among the community. The initiative of providing incentivized employment opportunities was introduced to the people whereby they work for themselves and for the betterment of their community.
‘Food for Work’ initiative helped people to work towards the repairing and deepening of the community water sources such as wells, rivers and ponds for which their efforts were commended with food grains packets. All the partners have started this initiative in the villages working on the de-siltation of 39 wells, 10 ponds, 2 rivers and 4 water harvesting structures. The initiative will not only help in fulfilling the water needs of the community for domestic and agricultural purposes, but also of the cattle and animals.
The campaign which was started in the month of May, 2017 has started showing the colors of happiness and smiles on the faces of the community people. Many of the water sources have replenished with abundant water for the community use. The people have started fetching water from the sources which were declared barren or dead. This has also given a new ray of hope and taught the people that anything can be achieved with community efforts.
While interviewing one of the women of Indrakheda where the community worked in the de-siltation of the well, which replenished and is in use by the community, she expressed – “Chaval ka lobh-lalach nahi hai, bas pani ka lobh-lalach hai” (We are not greedy for grains, we are greedy for water). She further added that Sabal has given us a new hope and confidence which we lacked since many years. Now, even if this food for work initiative stops we are willing to contribute our efforts for the betterment of the community and village.
Copyright Caritas India 2013 ! Developed by Neural Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd.