State-level diamond Jubilee at Hyderabad celebrated with community members

Farmers, PRI members, and women federation members from the U3 programme joined the Caritas India State-Level Diamond Jubilee celebration organised by Hyderabad Archdiocesan Social Service Society on 13th December 2022.

The celebration was attended by 80 farmers, 10 PRI members, and 1 Women federation along with the Directors, Program Implementors, Community Educators and Lead farmers involved in U3. The celebration was a continuation of the Capacity building program on various aspects of Natural Farming techniques.

“Caritas India and its partners have a symbiotic relationship because all the bishops come together and formed CBCI and its official social development wing is Caritas India,” said Fr. (Dr.) Jolly Puthenpura, Assistant Executive Director of Caritas India in his inaugural speech. He further added that Social work is not about money but it’s about heart. Caritas India motivates people and involves the people in their struggles, difficulties and suffering. Caritas India works with people with spiritual and emotional connections. Caritas India functions in three aspects: 1) Capacity Building 2) Financial Support 3) Promoting the spirituality of Service.

Fr. Jolly appreciated Fr. Anthony Director HASSS, for organising Caritas India’s Diamond Jubilee celebration in DSSS, Hyderabad and made Caritas India family happy and recognised the services to the poor and downtrodden for the last 60 years in India and for the diocese of Hyderabad. He also appreciated the farmer friends for being able to see the farmers growing and developing day by day. You all can be called Caritas farmers. Service to the farmers is a passion, mission and vocation and joy of service for Caritas India. It has a fraternal feeling, and it involves the people in their suffering. Let Caritas India live in and through you. Caritas India appreciates His Eminence Cardinal Poola Anthony for his love and service to the poor and marginalised. Caritas India apricates the HASSS initiatives of local fundraising and promotion of volunteers.

The best farmers were appreciated by giving gifts and honouring and giving public recognition in the meetings for their efforts and achievements and for being a role model for other farmers in Natural and Organic farming in turn promoting healthy life, society and a healthy planet. The participating local communities joyfully exhibited and performed their cultural and traditional dances in front of the people present in the event and all the participants enjoyed the local cultural and traditional gussadi dance and appreciated them. HASSS has also shared their work and achievements accomplished in the U3 programme with the group through a video presentation and the dignitaries and the participants liked the presentation and appreciated it.

HASSS team and the Vicar General and Vice Chairman of HASSS have facilitated Dr. Fr. Jolly, Asst. Executive Director of Caritas India and Dr. Haridas V R of Caritas India for their selfless service to the poor and the marginalised and for their great contribution to nation-building on behalf of the Catholic Church of India for the last 60 years.