Stock taking for strengthening and forging a dignified voluntary return

Caritas India hosted the European Return and Reintegration Network (ERRIN) donors and collaborators’ visit from Europe to India for a stock-taking interaction of the ERRIN programme through interface meetings with local partners and returnees and onsite visits in Delhi and Haryana.  There were four ERRIN PMU representatives in the delegation: two from BMI Germany, one each from BMI Austria and the Netherlands, and two from Caritas International Belgium.

The reintegration programme collaboration between European countries and Caritas India started in 2017 as a pilot under the European Return Network (ERIN). The second phase of the European Return and Reintegration Network (ERRIN) started in 2018 and will officially close in the first half of 2023 (care taker). Caritas India is the Indian partner for the ERRIN programme implementation in collaboration with Caritas International Belgium to provide close accompaniment to the voluntary returnees from different countries in Europe. (France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, and the UK) for returnees’ smooth reintegration in India.

The visit started with status update meetings with Caritas India on the ERRIN-II programme, interactions with a few Caritas India grassroots network members and their work, and group interaction with 14 returnees. Individual interaction was also initiated for those returnees who are interested in bilateral interaction. Onsite visits at the returnee’s location and business sites were organised in Haryana.

These interface meetings, interactions, and interviews, combined with on-site visits, have provided rich hands-on experiences of the ground realities in terms of possibilities and challenges faced by returnees, as well as local partners and network members, as expressed by delegation representatives.These exercises gave them the opportunity to capture many of the nuances that were otherwise impossible to comprehend from afar.

This visit provided an opportunity and a happy moment of interactions and exchanges for local partners and returnees, and it was greatly appreciated by all involved as it provided a better understanding for all.The returnees expressed their gratitude to all the European Partner Institutions (EPIs) for their generosity and to the programme management unit and Caritas Belgium for ensuring this noble programme was materialised through Caritas India and her network partners’ support and accompaniment in their country of origin. While expressing gratitude, some suggested ways to strengthen reintegration and benefit more vulnerable migrants in the countries of destination.

Fr. Paul Moonjely, Executive Director of Caritas India, while welcoming the donors, appreciated their support for the vulnerable Indian migrants in particular and other migrants in general. He shared our concerns and the possibility of, and our commitment to, ensuring smooth reintegration. He also stated that Caritas India has been involved in this mission with a dedicated team since 2010 and that we are committed to providing close accompaniment for a meaningful return and reintegration.The Caritas ERIN programme team acknowledged the humility and sensitivity of the donor visitors and their respect for human dignity and individual rights as persons.

The returnees thanked CIB, the donors, and Caritas India for the continuous assistance provided to them in their helpless state and for helping them reintegrate most effectively and safely to their home country even under the most difficult circumstances, especially during the COVID pandemic.

The visit was extremely beneficial and resulted in a stronger partnership.