The power of Collaboration: An Initiative to Build Back Better

Anugyalaya with the support of Caritas India and Caritas Germany organised the Launch and Inception meeting of Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction and Environment (IDRRE) program in Darjeeling attended by esteemed members from the Government and Non-government organizations.

The speakers Fr. Samuel Lepcha, Director of Anugyalaya, Bishop Stephen Lepcha and Fr. Jolly Puthenpura, Assistant Executive Director (virtually) inaugurated the session. Fr. Jolly highlighted that the efforts should lead us to be “Resilient to live with Change” looking at the changing environment around us.

This was followed by eminent speaks from the Governance, Mr. Anjul Chauhan, GTA Chairman, Rinchen Lamu Sherpa, District Disaster Management officer, Mr. Triratna Rai, Deputy Director of Agriculture and Dr. Private Rai, HOD Geography Sikkim Alpine University. They addressed the existing structures of the governance working towards Disaster preparedness and the efforts made to make communities safe through the revision of Disaster Management action plans on a yearly basis.

The project objectives were shared by Ms. Monisha Majumdar from Caritas India followed by Mr. Raju Pradhan from Caritas Germany who also officially introduced NSET Nepal (National Society for Earthquake Technology) as part of IDRRE. NSET formally presented the basic structure and geo-tectonic location of Darjeeling & Kalimpong. They emphasized how mainstreaming of building codes for “Build Back Better” is crucial and investing in Disaster Risk Reduction is important for resilience, reconstruction and rehabilitation of the communities.

Other speakers Mr. Suman Khadka & Nisha Shrestha presented from NSET systematically explaining the small infrastructural corrections that can be adopted that make a difference in terms of strength and resilience to earthquakes. Especially for school structures where children are vulnerable to building collapses induced by quakes.
The launch was a success with active participation from government departments and over 7 NGOs working on various areas of environment, schools, disaster response and relief in the areas of Darjeeling and Kalimpong. Representatives from Kalimpong and most invitees appreciated the first-of-its-kind program initiative on Disaster Risk Reduction in the vulnerable hills of Darjeeling & Kalimpong.