The spirit of sharing demonstrated by SHG members in Shimoga

For the past 10 years, three Self Help Groups (SHGs), Beeralingeshwara women SHG, Chenneshwara Women SHG and Ranganath SHG are functioning in Masadi village under the support and guidance of Shivmoga Multipurpose Social Service Society (SMSSS) also called Chaithannaya in Shivamogga Karnataka. Each SHG has 15 women members who meet every month to discuss savings and loan repayments.

SMSSS, the social development arm of the diocese of Shivamogga strongly promotes and guides Self-Help Groups to impart valuable knowledge on financial dealings and engage them in various social developmental activities. The support has boosted the confidence of SHG members and helped them imbibe leadership skills. To date, SMSSS conducted a host of training and activities with all 45 women members including, leadership training, local good governance, SHG management, village analysis, the role of SHG, community management organic farming, government schemes and entitlements etc. Such exercises have helped the SHG members to build their capacities and think beyond monetary transactions.

During the reopening of the Schools in July 2022, SMSSS, Shivamogga with the support of its animators, distributed notebooks and stationaries among 108 students at Higher Primary School, Masadi near Shivmoga. The school is situated in a remote village where children from poor households seek basic education. During the visit, the school head told the coordinators from SMSSS about the shortage of steel plates required to feed mid-day meals to children.

The Community Educator of U3 program of Caritas India, Ms. Shobha discussed the issue with all three SHGs and encouraged them to take up this matter and support their school. Driven by the zeal to help needy children, all three SHGs came together to discuss a plan of action. They arrived at the decision that each group must contribute Rs 700 each in order to purchase the steel plates for 40 children. Accordingly, Rs. 2,100/- was mobilized by 45 members to purchase 40 steel plates. These plates were then distributed among the schoolchildren.

All 45 women were filled with joy for this collaborative effort in helping school children. The school development management committee members lauded the generosity of women members and appreciated them for their social gesture. Seeing the smiling face of the children, the SHG members felt very content and proud. The school authorities expressed their gratitude to the Self-Help Group Members for their generosity and willingness to support the needy students of the school.