Training migrant returnees on sustainable livestock management

The livelihood of tribals is becoming increasingly vulnerable due to a persistent lack of assured entitlements to their resource base & despite several interventions by both State & Central governments, the tribal communities in Odisha are far behind the mainstream of development. Covid -19 caused serious damage to the livelihood of these tribal people who are normally daily wage earners. Many migrated outside Odisha in search of sustainable livelihood options & many returned to their homes when lockdown stuck the nation. 

To combat the Covid -19 situation and to restore the livelihood of the affected migrated families in two Western districts of Odisha, (Sundergarh & Bargarh), Caritas Japan is introducing goat/poultry farming income generation activity. The program team with the support of an agricultural & livelihood Specialist undertook one-day training to gain knowledge & understanding of goat rearing and poultry farming.       

Caritas India focuses on rebuilding the lives and livelihood of the migrant’s families and emphasizes identifying and supporting the vulnerable groups in 18 operational villages of two districts of Odisha. Groups like Widows, People living with Disabilities, Single parents, Families without any access to any Entitlements & Schemes will be given top priority to be covered under this livelihood program.

One day of training on Animal Husbandry & Management was organized for the program team where 40 volunteers participated in an interactive & participatory meeting held at Rourkela Social Service Society on 5th Dec 2021, facilitated by Dr. Pallab De and Ms. Devi Kalyani Patnaik. The objective of this training was to develop a fair understanding of the importance of establishing a small unit of animal husbandry at their homestead which will further ensure their food & nutrition security along with generating sustainable income for the future.

Mr. Ghanshaym Jethwa, HOP in his welcome note highlighted how this livelihood restoration program is focusing on promoting backyard kitchen garden, livestock and small-scale business. He emphasized that through a community-based approach their needs should get identified and we must ensure to secure their livelihoods through agricultural and allied activities. 

In the training session, Dr. Pallab De focused on why such goatry & backyard poultry farming is needed; emphasized Feed, House & Health Management; types of Breeds available as per the local context; Deworming & Disease Management & Symptoms to be seen. It was unanimously decided that Vaccinations & Insurance will be extended to those Households who are extended this livestock support. 

Ms. Devi facilitated the sessions in helping the lectures to be translated in odia language; apart from that she reinforced the roles & responsibilities to be taken by the Volunteers & Community Educators and emphasised forming Beneficiaries Selection Committees in 18 operational villages in Odisha. 

Monitoring visits were made in 16 villages where Ms. Devi Kalyani along with the Community Educators and Volunteers interacted with the members of the Village Committee; met the potentiation beneficiaries to be covered under the livestock, kitchen garden and small petty shop business. The visit emphasized further the need for assessment of small shop items which Caritas India will be supporting in 18 villages to 18 beneficiaries and support to be extended to 72 HH’s with livestock’s- i.e Goat & Poultry. Focus group discussions were also initiated with the Community and the Village Committee Members to identify the beneficiaries to be supported for Off-Farm initiatives.