Transforming SHG Livelihoods in Hidisajir

Nestled in the verdant landscapes of Assam’s East Karbi Anglong district, the village of Hidisajir has witnessed a remarkable transformation since the inception of Caritas India’s FARM Northeast program. At the heart of this change lies the Klar-et Self-Help Group (SHG), a beacon of community empowerment led by Mrs. Rasingja Tokbipi and her dedicated team.

Established in 2019 with just 10 members, the Klar-et SHG was revitalized to unite women across generations and foster a strong community spirit. Supported by Jirsong Asong, Diphu, under Caritas India’s initiative, the SHG embarked on a journey of self-sufficiency and collective growth.

Recognizing the challenges faced by small farm households, the FARM program focused on enhancing community relationships and promoting collective farming practices, Said Mondol Teron, Field Programme Associate, Jirsong Asong. Livestock management and animal healthcare training sessions proved pivotal, igniting the SHG’s interest in pig farming. With initial financial support from Caritas India and their own contributions, the SHG purchased their first piglet for Rs. 7,000. Within six months, they sold it for Rs. 21,500, marking a significant increase in their income.

Sustained by this success, we motivated the group to reinvest their earnings to purchase two more female piglets, ensuring sustained growth in their livestock ventures, said Sonason Rongpi, Field Associate, Jirsong Asong. Additionally, their goat-rearing initiative has also flourished, with offspring contributing further to their economic stability.

The impact of the Klar-et SHG extends beyond economic gains. By offering loans at reduced interest rates and planning to establish a traditional weaving center, they are not only enhancing their own livelihoods but also supporting neighboring households. Mrs. Tokbipi envisions their success as a catalyst for inspiring other SHGs in the community to emulate their model of collective enterprise.

Looking ahead, Mrs. Tokbipi and her team are determined to expand their initiatives, aiming to empower more households and foster sustainable development practices. Their story is a testament to the transformative power of community-driven initiatives under Caritas India’s FARM program, where self-help and collective action are paving the way for a brighter, more resilient future in Hidisajir.

Caritas India’s commitment to promoting diversified livelihoods and community collectivization through the FARM program has not only enhanced economic opportunities but also strengthened social cohesion in Hidisajir. As Mrs. Tokbipi and the Klar-et SHG continue to inspire and uplift their community, their journey stands as a testament to the potential of grassroots initiatives in driving sustainable development and fostering resilience across rural India.