U3 for influencing and inspiring

‘It is possible to fly without motors, but not without skills and knowledge’ – Wilbur Wright

Caritas India team responsible for the U3 (Uttoran, Ujjivana and Ujjwala) cluster project met at New Delhi on February 23-24, 2022, to develop a Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP) and a clear action plan of the project. 

Misereor, the German Catholic Bishops’ Organisation for Development Cooperation has funded this project in West Bengal, Karnataka and Telangana to foster and secure self-sustaining climate resilient-cum-adaptive agriculture and livelihoods through community-owned processes. The team worked together to finalise the orientation and accompaniment plan of the project in 3 states.

Fr. (Dr.) Paul Moonjely, Executive Director of Caritas India, said to the team: “Be influential and inspiring for others through implementing the program innovatively and creatively.” He emphasised strengthening and building the social systems, bringing out a larger level of impact, and working for the integrated development of the community. He also shared that the true relevance of the intervention would be to provide ownership to the community-based organizations which guarantee its sustainability.

The team brainstormed to develop greater clarity on project implementation. It was decided to build networks, linkages and resource mobilization as the focus areas through volunteers’ enrolment and engagement to continue the developmental activities in the target villages. They agreed to take forward the Lenten campaign of Caritas India 2022 ‘Healthy Planet…Healthy Life’ which aptly aligns with the project objectives. 

The U3 will work as a Program Management Unit for ensuring the systematic process of the project in 15 locations in 3 States. The project will have influencing and inspiring efforts with a focus on social system strengthening (farmers collectives), theory of change and impact investment, community mobilization, alliances, liaisoning and networking with internal/external church network for new partnerships and resource mobilization (NABARD, CSR, ITC). Journey with the partners will be more regular and the briefing and debriefing and sharing of the key takeaway will take place regularly. Baseline information will be collected to document the present situation of the project area and measuring the changes that happened due to the implementation of U3

U3 partners will be supported by the Program Associates in developing new concepts within the network for innovative implementation. Knowledge Management (KM) will be ensured through conducting Participatory Action Research (PAR), Cost-Benefit Analysis of different crops, preparing case stories etc. State-level consultations and dialogue with duly bearers will be strengthened.

The project will identify and assess the importance and use of some traditional practices, document and publish. This includes rare seeds which are high yielding and climate-adaptive, indigenous tools and their use, local breeds (Livestock), Indigenous Farming Practices and Indigenous plants of medicinal use. U3 will also have convergence with the existing cluster interventions of Caritas India such as Global Program, Gram Nirman, Saksham, FARM NE, Cancer Care Campaign for mutual learning and exchange. Some additional activities (nonbudgeted) such as Krishi Mela, Farmers Association, Lesson learned workshop, Exchange visit and campaign (Healthy Planet.. Healthy life) are also proposed.