Women’s Persistence Paves the Way for Change

“Naarit aahe shakti bhari,” declared Renuka Maske, with an undeniable proof of the immense strength that women possess. In the once sleepy village of Shivni in the Beed district, a remarkable and silent revolution unfolded, led by determined women who envisioned a brighter, more empowered future. For the first time in Shivni’s history, these women took the lead in driving the village’s development, mobilizing and organizing themselves with unwavering persistence and resolve.

The low participation of women in community decision-making in Shivni has been shaped by a complex interplay of factors, including patriarchy, social orthodoxy, illiteracy, and deeply ingrained cultural presciptions regarding women’s roles. Shivni exemplified how entrenched patriarchy can dominate village life, with men holding all positions of power and authority within families and the community, thereby limiting women’s autonomy and agency. Against this backdrop, the success of the village women in demanding and organizing a special women’s Gram Sabha was particularly remarkable, given the array of disabilities and barriers stacked against them.

The journey of community organization in Shivni began in May 2022 with the launch of the Jeevan program by the Aurangabad Diocesan Social Service Society (ADSSS), supported by Misereor. The project team empowered the women with knowledge about their citizenship and constitutional rights, enabling them to actively participate in grassroots governance. Inspired by a vision of progress, the women of Shivni embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Through intensive discussions and training on good governance and sustainable agriculture, they awakened to the untapped potential within their village. Using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), they identified the construction of approach road to the village as a crucial step towards building a better future.

As part of their sensitization efforts, ADSSS organized demonstration Gram Sabhas exclusively for women in all villages. These sessions allowed women to learn the procedures of Gram Sabha meetings and how to effectively raise issues in these decision-making forums. Additionally, some women acquired the skills to draft applications that could be formally submitted to the Panchayat or other village decision-making bodies, further enhancing their ability to advocate for their needs and rights.

Empowered with knowledge, the women of Shivni encouraged one another to take the bold step of engaging in community decision-making, despite the risk of facing backlash at home from husbands or in-laws. The Jeevan team regularly organized neighborhood meetings with women’s groups to build consensus and prepare them for active participation in Gram Sabha meetings. Gradually, the women gathered the courage to submit a memorandum to the Sarpanch, requesting the organization of a special Mahila Gram Sabha. This memorandum encapsulated their aspirations, calling for the construction of approach roads, installation of streetlights, improved drinking water facilities, and better housing. “These needs were not just demands; they were our dreams for community progress. We cannot change what we are unaware of, but once we become aware, we cannot help but change,” said Ms. Manisha Kale, one of the women leaders who spearheaded the movement.

After much persuasion from the women, a special Mahila Gram Sabha was finally held at the Gram Panchayat office in Shivni on January 27, 2023. Over forty women participated in the meeting, presenting a memorandum that outlined their demands. However, their efforts did not yield immediate results, and their journey was far from over. “The Panchayat wasn’t giving our memorandum the attention it deserved. We had to continuously follow up with them on our demands,” Manisha recalled. The women’s persistence eventually paid off when approval was granted for the repair and redevelopment of the village’s approach road.

The commencement of road construction signaled a new era for the women of Shivni. The newly built road became a powerful symbol of their unity and determination.

“The success in getting the road constructed gave us immense confidence that, together, women can achieve anything,” said Ms. Ramabai Kute, reflecting on the transformative journey. Empowered by their collective accomplishment, the women are now resolute in their pursuit of fulfilling all their demands, determined to continue their efforts and persistently follow up with the village Panchayat.