Breastfeeding: Nourishing the health of future generations

Breastfeeding: Nourishing the health of future generations

Breastfeeding is more than just a maternal act; it’s a powerful tool against child malnutrition and a cornerstone for optimal health and development during the critical years from 0 to 2. The World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF firmly advocate a comprehensive approach to breastfeeding—one that begins within the first hour of birth, extends exclusively for 6 months, continues for 2 years, is complemented by nutritious foods after 6 months, and involves immediate skin-to-skin contact at birth.

In an unwavering commitment to this cause, the Global Program India has been diligently celebrating World Breastfeeding Week for three consecutive years in five districts of Bihar: Patna, Munger, Purnia, Kaimur, and Sharsa. This year’s celebration, held from August 1st to 7th, 2023, echoed the themes of the past, focusing on education, empowerment, and community engagement.

The heart of the campaign beats at the grassroots level, where various activities aimed at creating awareness have unfolded. Communities have come together for insightful awareness sessions, spirited rallies, impactful poster exhibitions, and enlightening training sessions for frontline health workers. These activities collectively set the stage for embracing breastfeeding as a vital part of early childhood nutrition.

The campaign’s impact radiated from villages across these districts, where a series of events underscored the significance of breastfeeding for both mothers and children. Participants were sensitized to the repercussions of not embracing this practice, effectively driving home the point that breastfeeding is a catalyst against child malnutrition.

The numbers speak volumes about the campaign’s reach and effectiveness. A total of 66 villages joined the celebration, and an impressive 1057 participants engaged actively. A notable highlight was the participation of 836 women, underscoring the campaign’s commitment to empowering mothers and carers.

“The support of the Global Programme team was crucial in organising this year’s Breastfeeding Week event. With their assistance, we were able to spread awareness about the importance of breastfeeding to more mothers and children, making the week a success. I can proudly say that with the help of the Global Program team, we took a small step forward towards a healthier life in our community,” says Reena, an Anganwadi worker.

In conclusion, the celebration of World Breastfeeding Week 2023 has been a resounding success in propelling us toward a healthier, better-nourished future for our children. It is a reminder that every small effort counts in the grand mission of curbing child malnutrition through the power of breastfeeding. Together, we continue to advocate for this essential practice, knowing that our collective dedication paves the way for a brighter and more vibrant future.

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