Building Resilience and Fostering Local Prosperity: A Tale of Udspur Gram Panchayat

Building Resilience and Fostering Local Prosperity: A Tale of Udspur Gram Panchayat

In the heart of Ganjam Block, Odisha, lies Udspur Gram Panchayat—a land prone to the vagary of floods, cyclones, and droughts. Situated in the foothills, this cluster of five villages and twelve wards has for long been at the mercy of nature’s fury. There are other 5 villages and 12 wards in this Gram Panchayat suffering the same challenge. When heavy rains descend, the fields become submerged, roads vanish, and homes are threatened. Yet, amidst these perils, safe havens remain a distant dream.

Rainwater gushes from the mountains during the monsoon, infiltrating homes along with tiny pebbles, and the people of Udspur find themselves battling to safeguard their lives. Drinking water is scarce, and the threat of migration haunts 30% of families who, landless and searching for livelihoods, venture to neighboring states.

The Global Program recognized the urgency to protect Udspur from disaster’s grasp. In collaboration with SWAD organization and Caritas India embarked on a journey to fortify the community against impending calamities. Set beside the Rushikulya river, this area was vulnerable, but with unified determination, they set out to awaken the people’s resilience.

Empowerment began with awareness, as the villagers, mainly from marginalized backgrounds, grasped their voice within the Gram Panchayat. Once unheard, they gathered at meetings, sharing their hardships and dreams. With newfound courage, they approached local leaders and officials, weaving their risk reduction strategies into the fabric of Gram Panchayat plans.

SWAD, supported by Caritas India, stepped onto Udspur’s soil in 2021. Training, meetings, and campaigns fueled discussions on risk assessment and reduction, weaving threads of community resilience. Amid these interactions, the villagers authored risk reduction blueprints for each village, fusing local wisdom with sustainable strategies.

These plans, submitted to the Sarpanch, bore fruit through approval and action. The landscape transformed: community halls, kitchens, and meeting places sprung up. Fences and drains shielded the village, ponds were reborn, canals carved for irrigation, and Anganwadi houses shielded. Wells and tanks quenched thirst, and the social security scheme extended its wings to embrace four individuals.

Spearheading this transformation was Sarpanch Mrs. Nandini Tripathy, coordinating a mobilization of Rs. 17,500,000.00. This community effort yielded not just funds, but jobs. No longer did villagers seek employment elsewhere; the migration rate faded from 20% to a mere 2%. Through sweat and dedication, they earned Rs. 222/- to 300/- per day, knowing their labor safeguarded their homeland.

The narrative echoes in the voices of Udspur’s residents. Gratitude spills forth, directed toward the Sarpanch, SWAD, and Caritas India. Mr. Narendra Das, a resident, praises the Sarpanch’s compassion, a guiding light that steered their community toward development. The impact resonates, migration wanes as livelihoods flourish. “Since last few years, I used to migrate due to the scarcity of work here. However, this year has brought a significant change. I’ve managed to secure employment for nearly 90 days, substantially boosting my earnings and eliminating the need to travel to Hyderabad for work,” says Mr. Narendra Das from Ramchandrapur.

In the realm of Udspur Gram Panchayat, resilience blooms. The pages of this story carry a message of hope, etching the tale of a community that embraced unity, harnessed wisdom, and carved a path toward prosperity.

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