Empowering Communities to Combat Malnutrition: A Chronicle of Global Program India’s Impact in Bihar

Empowering Communities to Combat Malnutrition: A Chronicle of Global Program India’s Impact in Bihar

In the fertile yet challenged landscapes of Bihar, an enduring struggle against malnutrition has been silently fought for decades. The plight, as outlined by the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) for 2019-21, reveals a stark reality: 43% of children under five in Bihar are stunted, 23% wasted, with figures in Munger district even more alarming at 35.5% stunted and 26.7% wasted. In the face of these daunting statistics, Global Program India embarked on a transformative journey to combat this deep-rooted issue, yielding significant results within a mere three-month span.

At the heart of Global Program India’s strategy was a targeted intervention in the Tetyiabambar and Tarapur blocks. The program’s initial phase involved rigorous growth monitoring at Anganwadi centres, identifying 76 children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and 189 with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM). In response, the team undertook a holistic approach, comprising the establishment of over 200 kitchen gardens and the introduction of poultry farming to 55 carefully selected families, chosen based on their economic vulnerability and lack of prior assistance.

The beneficiaries, predominantly families without land for kitchen gardens, were provided with poultry as a dual solution: a source of vital protein through eggs and a means to foster economic independence. This initiative, a first for many, was not only about providing resources but also about empowering communities with knowledge and skills in poultry care, ensuring the birds’ health and productivity.

Three months post-intervention, the transformation was unmistakable. Sheela Devi, a resident of Munger and mother to young Alok Kumar, shares a compelling testament to this change. “Before the program, Alok was part of the grim statistic, weighing just 8.8 kg at 18 months. Now, he is a thriving child, weighing 11.5 kg. The poultry farming initiative by Global Program India didn’t just nourish Alok; it nourished our entire family,” she reflects.

The success of these efforts gained recognition from local authorities, exemplified by the Chief Development Project Officer (CDPO) Kuku Kumari of Tetyiabambar. “The Global Program’s intervention has been a catalyst for change in combating malnutrition. Their approach, in collaboration with Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), has not only addressed immediate nutritional needs but has laid a sustainable foundation for future health and economic stability. We’ve witnessed a significant decline in malnutrition rates in the intervened areas, a clear indication of the program’s effectiveness,” she asserted.

The story of Global Program India in Bihar is one of resilience, innovation, and community empowerment. Within just three months of distributing poultry, the program has not only provided a nutritional lifeline to malnourished children but also ignited a spark of economic hope for families. By leveraging collaboration with ICDS, the program has created a model of community health and economic development that resonates well beyond the borders of Bihar. This journey, though still ongoing, stands as a testament to the potential for transformative change through strategic intervention and community involvement.

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