Global program has proved that malnutrition can be reversed

Global program has proved that malnutrition can be reversed

Three-month-old Kartik measured 4.85 kg in weight and a height of 59 cm during the growth monitoring exercise at Bhoga Kariyat village, located in the Puria East block of Purnea, Bihar. He was suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM). A condition that weakens a child’s immune system, makes them vulnerable to developmental delays and even causes death.

The state of Bihar, including Purnia district, faced significant challenges with child malnutrition. According to the NFHS-5 fact sheet, the prevalence of malnutrition among children under the age of five in Purnia was alarming. The numbers indicated that 43.5% of children in Purnia suffered from stunting, 22.9% suffered from wasting, and 47.1% were underweight.

Kartik’s condition caught the attention of the Purnea Social and Education Society (PSES) team, a partner organisation of Global Program India working tirelessly to uplift the lives of the community.

Kartik was fortunate that the Aganwadi Sewika (Anganwadi Worker), equipped with the anthropometric tools provided by Global Program India, was able to identify his condition accurately. Recognising the urgency, the Sewika immediately reached out to Kartik’s parents, Ranjit and Khusboo Devi. She explained the seriousness of Kartik’s health condition and referred him to the Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) at Purnea District Hospital.

Though hesitant due to financial constraints and a lack of confidence, Ranjit and Khusboo saw a glimmer of hope through the efforts of PSES and Global Program India. Finally convinced, they decided to pursue the opportunity for Kartik’s recovery. Kartik and his mother set foot in the NRC, ready to embark on a transformative journey.
Kartik was admitted to the NRC for 21 days, where he received specialised care and nutritious meals tailored to his needs. The dedicated staff at the NRC closely monitored his progress and provided essential support for his recovery.

After two months, Kartik’s parents brought him back to the ICDS centre for a follow-up evaluation. With anticipation, they watched as his weight was taken. The scale displayed the incredible progress Kartik had made during his time at the NRC. His weight had increased, signifying his improved health and well-being.

Today, Kartik stands as a shining example of how proper nutrition, care, and support can transform a child’s life. His parents, Ranjit and Khusboo, are grateful for the transformative experience at the NRC and continue to provide him with the love and care he deserves.

Kartik’s mother is overjoyed with her son’s recovery. “The support from the Global Programme has changed our lives. We are grateful to the NRC for giving a new life to our son. We are looking forward to a healthy future,” says Kartik’s mother.

PSES, remains inspired by Kartik’s journey and is committed to reaching out to more children like him in the five panchayats of Purnea East. A Collaborative approach can create a world where every child can access proper nutrition, care, and a chance to thrive.

The Global Programme, through its Nutrition and Food Security Initiatives, is working to minimise SAM and MAM cases and improve access to government programs and schemes for marginal populations. The program has succeeded in bringing about a transformative change by referring severely malnourished children to government facilities and complementing the government in reducing under-5 mortality due to Severe Acute Malnutrition.

The story of Kartik in the village of Bhoga Kariyat stands as evidence of the power of compassion, education, and resilience, which prove that malnutrition can be reversed. PSES, under the Global Programme India, helped transform the life of a vulnerable child.


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