Lighting the Path to Resilience: Empowering youth on resilience and disaster preparedness through Low-Cost Lightning Arresters

Lighting the Path to Resilience: Empowering youth on resilience and disaster preparedness through Low-Cost Lightning Arresters

In a wonderful convergence of information and empowerment on January 12, 2024, the District Education Training Institute in Nawada played host to an extraordinary National Youth Day program. Organised by the Disaster Management Department in collaboration with Nehru Yuva Kendra, the event saw the District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) extending a special invitation to Caritas India Global Programme.

Caritas India Global Programme, through its valued partner, The Bihar Water Development Society (BWDS), Patna, took center stage. DDMA’s invitation underscored the significance of Caritas India’s role in sensitizing and empowering youth, aligning seamlessly with the program’s core objective of promoting sustainable development and disaster management education.

The primary objective of the program was to promote sustainable and prosperous development among the youth and to educate them on disaster management. The event highlighted the crucial role of youth in various fields, emphasizing their potential to contribute to a resilient and disaster-prepared community.

Dignitaries addressed 350 youths, encouraging them to step forward in every field and actively participate in development and disaster management initiatives. The call was to demonstrate the strength and potential of the youth in fostering positive change.

Mr. Tusender and Mr. Chote Lal, from BWDS seized the spotlight to illuminate the youth on the revolutionary low-cost lightning arrester model. This groundbreaking initiative showcased the installation process and emphasized its importance in mitigating the impact of lightning disasters. In a detailed presentation, the BWDS team demystified the components—Tata Iron GI Pipe, Copper lightning conductor, covered copper wire, PVC pipe, charcoal, salt, and an iron rod—essential for the installation.
Notably, the initiative earned accolades as a success, with an anonymous source lauding its simplicity and effectiveness. The lightning arrester model, appreciated for its easy installation, is now seen as a lifeline for vulnerable household families, enhancing disaster resilience in the face of adversity.

The event transcended the celebration of Swami Vivekananda’s birth anniversary, evolving into a platform for empowering the youth with practical knowledge. The BWDS’s enlightening orientation not only illuminated the critical role of low-cost lightning arresters in disaster management but also instilled a profound sense of responsibility for sustainable development and community resilience.

As the youth exited the District Education Training Institute, they didn’t just carry information; they bore the torch of responsibility for a future brimming with resilience and sustainable development. The event by DDMA featuring Caritas India Global Programme’s lightning arrester model, successfully bridged the gap between theory and practice, leaving an indelible mark on the community. A testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in the pursuit of a brighter, more resilient tomorrow.

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