Ganjam planted natural defence mechanisms to reduce climate risks during World Environment Day

Ganjam planted natural defence mechanisms to reduce climate risks during World Environment Day

The direct correlation between a healthy ecosystem and reduced risk of hazard cannot be ignored. Coastal Areas are more susceptible to cyclones, tsunamis, lightning and flooding. The State of Odisha has always been in the news whenever there is a disturbance in the Indian ocean.

Trees act as a natural barrier and protection against cyclones, floods or any other calamity. The studies have shown that the anthropogenic activities in the coastal zones have accentuated the environmental degradation which destroys in terms of cyclones and tornadoes. It not only damages infrastructures and crops but also causes heavy loss of lives.

Ganjam in Odisha is one of the selected districts of Global Program India which lies on the coastline of the Bay of Bengal. The district is mostly affected by Cyclone, Flood, Drought & Heat waves and the seaside villages are vulnerable to sea surges & Tsunami too.

Global Program India under the Disaster Risk Reduction theme has planted 1000 saplings in Bahalpur and Roulibandha villages in the Ganjam district to reduce the speed of cyclones and tornadoes and thus, protect the coastal zones. The saplings were collectively mobilized by the community with the support of SWAD-B team of the program. The community members as well as the PRI members including Gram Panchayat Sarpanch also participated in the plantation program. The plant species including some medicinal plants such as Neem, Karanja, and some fruits saplings such as Guava, Mango etc. were selected for the plantation.

Similarly, in the Pirijipur Gram Panchayat, the trees were planted by the PRI members and Community members to promote harmony with nature. Ten trees were planted within the Gram Panchayat Office campus. The plantation process was jointly initiated by the PRI and community members to protect the environment and add greenery to the surroundings.  On this occasion, the entire community members took the oath to plant at least five fruit-bearing trees in their backyards.

Malaya Kumar Jena, Sarpanch of Pirijipur says: “It is for the first time that we are doing such a plantation on World Environment Day in our Gram Panchayat office campus. He thanked Caritas India for taking up this initiative and connecting with my people on this day of global importance.”

This was a community-driven plantation drive and the villagers of Bahalpur and Ganjam supported by purchasing some of the fruit-bearing trees from the Department as it would also provide a source of income. 500 saplings are planted by the community members who took the responsibility for caring for and protecting the trees throughout the year.

The Forest Department requested the partner to conduct a plantation drive in all the program villages of 3 districts in the upcoming months as the temperature of the Odisha as the daytime is very high. They have also suggested avenues for plantations and the creation of community forests and fruit gardens. The villagers and PRI members are committed to protecting the environment and continuing the plantation drive to enhance greenery for clear air and a free environment.


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